Baal - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Baal
(Page 1 of 2)

Dieusibon says: RE: Le Retour De Tous Les Exiles Politiques...

Dieusibon says: RE: Le Retour De Tous Les Exiles Politiques Haitiens You stink like a skunk. Madoda, Tchioul bourgeois. Maccaque, I will get you down soon. Asshole! Baal The above language used is obviously from a low life,probably a jail... more »

If that will take 50 years that means it will take five decades...

If that will take 50 years that means it will take five decades or approximately 3 generations. What will be the value of that money in five decades? more »

This is true. We should infiltrate them to destroy them. Most...

This is true. We should infiltrate them to destroy them. Most of the Caribbean, African States and the Muslim world reject this kind of sick and degenerate life style. more »

This is pure garbage. Put it in your pocket before you go.

This is pure garbage. Put it in your pocket before you go. more »

This is garbage put it in your pocket before you leave.

This is garbage put it in your pocket before you leave. more »

Nous devons terminer le concordat avec le Vatican et expulser...

Nous devons terminer le concordat avec le Vatican et expulser les degenerates etrangers vers le Vatican. Le cklerge vaudou prendra charge du clerge catholic et protestant Haitienne. more »

Lithuanian president, Algirdas Brazauskas died at 77 from cancer

Lithuanian president, Algirdas Brazauskas, has died at the age of 77 after a long struggle with cancer. AntonioJ,FlatBush and Preval have nothing to do with his death. more »

You equated being flamboyant as being a leader. You think that...

You equated being flamboyant as being a leader. You think that if someone keeps a low profile he is not a leader. How misleading and confused you could be. Those that talk the most usually achieve less. more »

To the multiple personalities person known as Brian G. is aka...

To the multiple personalities person known as Brian G. is aka John Deleney,aka Marcy Paul,aka... Aristide has been your superior. You will never reach not even 10% of his intellectual might. Next time you refers to him, make sure that you paid him... more »

Go taking care of your banana frillo with an urologist before...

Go taking care of your banana frillo with an urologist before you talking about politic. Your woman is complaining about your inability to stand up despite your massive uses of viagra. Do yourself a favor,call this number:800-828-7866 more »

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