Ayisyen Patriyot - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Ayisyen Patriyot
(Page 8 of 12)

What about the real tchouls?

Some people, like Y. Binbin, are the "chouls" of their own minds. It is time to understand that we cannot keep accusing the international world of being racist and this and that (all our pains and sorrows). What we have to do is to play their own... more »

No pride when we messed up allover

I am in a hurry to go to bed, I cannot write long, but let me tell you: " If we're talking about pride, we've had none since the death of Dessalines, then Christophe. We messed up all over. That notion of pride died with them. Some individuals... more »

Mistake: You have to voice your opinion

If you see the light, you have to say it; if you have the light in you, you have to let it spread. Talk Talk Talk until the sun arises. Please give your comments. We have to do something as Haitians. We are so far. Not a thing we do can affect this... more »

Mon cher ami la fierte n'apporte tjrs pas bonheur

Que voulez-vous patriote? Que nous soyons des revolutionnaires comme en 1804? Ces temps sont passes. Qu'on le veuille ou non, le monde avance a grand pas vers la globalisation. Aux plus intelligents d'en prendre avantange si les guerres et les... more »

Preval is in command I believe

U got me. About Guy Francois, I did know nothing but the fact he was a brilliant officer of Casernes under Jean C. Paul. I assumed that he must have been a criminal to have pertained to such a criminal entity like Casernes, who knows? A lot of... more »

Nou Kapab

Things could go better if, at least, someone like adebhriz or observerkin, or GSimon would have intervened. After the election of Preval, everyone has given up while the battle has just begun. We need to tell the world who we are; we also need to... more »

I am back. I over-reacted

People, I overrreacted about a response from some blugger. When I checked the website, the message was not on yet and I worried about someone knowing my personal email address or even my home address. I am scared of the Aristidian Lavalas more than... more »

I am out. No more Opininons

I was giving my opinions. Somebody wrote me this in my e-mail, something I havent been able to read on the main website; that means some intolerant one is seeing this and I do not want to jeopardize my children. Read this and does this sound like... more »

Who was Guy Francois. Qui etait-il?

Last night, my wife's pastor called me to ask me about Guy Francois, I mistakenly described him as Michel Francois. But if they are both criminals, Michel Francois was a blood thirsty. Guy Francois was ousted by Avril, with the help of Big Brother... more »

Go Preval

I like the attitude of the prime minister; I like the attitude of the president and I know he and I we communicate by telepathy; I like the attitude of his prime minister. Violence has no sense Violence is disobedience Violence is a killing... more »

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