Ablerooster - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Ablerooster
(Page 9 of 11)

This is Ablerooster. Tiba, you should not allow your anger to...

This is Ablerooster. Tiba, you should not allow your anger to cloud your thought. Your last post was ridiculous. You make it sound like Haiti did everything for all, and by chance, became was She Is. Think Forward, not backward. The reason Haiti... more »

This is Ablerooster. Marge, I would be happy to end our...

This is Ablerooster. Marge, I would be happy to end our conversation, if only you would stop insulting me. I am glad you were in paris; as for me, I'd rather go ANYWHERE but there. In fact, I wouldn't fly over that pretentious city just to spit on... more »

This is Able Rooster. Well, Toulimen, I totally respect your...

This is Able Rooster. Well, Toulimen, I totally respect your viewpoint, but I think it's mortally flawed. It's not about RACE; it's about CULTURE. And the french seem to think theirs doesn't stink like the rest of ours. I acknowledge the fact that... more »

This is Able Rooster. On the other hand, I don't like "gayness...

This is Able Rooster. On the other hand, I don't like "gayness" being shoved in my face either. I think "gay marriage" is an insult to GOD, as well as the bond between a Man and a Woman. more »

This is Able Rooster. Tiba, You are exqusitly accurate...

This is Able Rooster. Tiba, You are exqusitly accurate! Toulimen, I respect you too, but you need to stop following bizarre stories. Gays are Gay because that's the way they are. I'm not gay, but I don't care who is; as long as they repect me, I... more »

This is Able Rooster. Tiba, I went to the link and I viewed the...

This is Able Rooster. Tiba, I went to the link and I viewed the images, and read the inscriptions, and I am humbly impressed. I do have concerns over American municipalities that become governed by black leaders (rightfully so when they comprise a... more »

This is Able Rooster. Toulimen, why can't the Jew in...

This is Able Rooster. Toulimen, why can't the Jew in Petionville who runs the book publishing company just start printing books in Haitian Creole? If 85% of Haitians speak Creole, then 85% of the books in Haiti ought to be written in Creole. A... more »

Marge, you are lucky to even be able to hold this conversation...

Marge, you are lucky to even be able to hold this conversation. That's what you don't get. As for me, well, I need only ONE passport. The United States of America! Period! Laugh with your friends all you want! I am an American, and you are a... more »

This is Able Rooster.'re so angry! I bet you're...

This is Able Rooster.'re so angry! I bet you're hot! Just kidding... stop acting so juvenile! I still bet you're hot! more »

This is Able Rooster. Toulimen, again, you are right on the...

This is Able Rooster. Toulimen, again, you are right on the mark! Tell Marge to ease up and talk to me again! She can be so angry! more »

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