Ablerooster - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Ablerooster
(Page 8 of 11)

Baron, your argument betrays your pitiful position; you aim...

Baron, your argument betrays your pitiful position; you aim only to protect your own wealth. I do not advocate eradicating the elite of any color in Haiti. Such an action would be very harmful. The elite possess most of Haiti's Know-how; it must be... more »

This is Able Rooster. mr. andrews, Ben Franklin was the FIRST...

This is Able Rooster. mr. andrews, Ben Franklin was the FIRST to have been credited with saying it, PERIOD. Since then, it has become a familiar axiom, related in many different forms. Alas, you still choose to mount nothing of meaning in your... more »

This is Able Rooster. Baron Samedi, It's NOT about COLOR. It's...

This is Able Rooster. Baron Samedi, It's NOT about COLOR. It's about NUMBERS. I don't care what color the french speakers are; they're only 15%! It's like Vietnam in 1930! Does Vietnam speak french now? NO! You can't be less black by speaking... more »

Toulimen: Like any country, America has made mistakes. She...

Toulimen: Like any country, America has made mistakes. She continues to make them NOW. And YES She can go BANKRUPT, just like any other country. more »

Marjorie, I am indeed an American.... My Mother's side descends...

Marjorie, I am indeed an American.... My Mother's side descends from the Hamiltons of New England (English). On my Father's side, I am English, Scotch Irish, and believe it or not, 1/8 Polish. The Polish bears a Swedish name....... Olander. We were... more »

Mr. Andrews,I do think about what I say; do you mount any other...

Mr. Andrews,I do think about what I say; do you mount any other arguments besides Ad Hominem? You have said NOTHING. I have enjoyed thoghtful conversations with Tiba, Marge, Toulimen, and Ronald, and at times we have cursed each other, but we are... more »

Haitian Creole should be the national language of Haiti. The...

Haitian Creole should be the national language of Haiti. The elite can speak their fancy french, and the rest of the Haitian nation can speak their own Proud Language, born of immersion in the unknown. It is time for the skilled and adept Haitians... more »

Reverend, I agree with some of what you say, and I disagree...

Reverend, I agree with some of what you say, and I disagree with some still. It would be nice to see the international community, namely, the G-20, shoulder, fairs shares of all world problems..... China sits and watches, and saves money, patiently... more »

This is Ablerooster. Mr. Andrews, I forgive you extreme...

This is Ablerooster. Mr. Andrews, I forgive you extreme ignorance. more »

This is Ablerooster. Tiba, you are right, and I stand...

This is Ablerooster. Tiba, you are right, and I stand corrected. This is a very difficult set of problems that can perplex the most capable minds, and I, like all, should think before I write, as I catch myself (or someone else catches me) spouting... more »

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