Ablerooster - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Ablerooster
(Page 6 of 11)
Toulimen, I think you've made some very poignant comments, but...
February 9, 2011 3:22 PM
Toulimen, I think you've made some very poignant comments, but you are given to the rash embrace of fringe theories that you apparently find on the web. Please remember that there is as much misinformation on the web as there is good information... more »
This is Able Rooster. Mr. Andrews, judging from your sentence...
February 9, 2011 3:03 PM
This is Able Rooster. Mr. Andrews, judging from your sentence construction and syntax, I don't believe you are American, or that English is your first language. Your little lesson was nothing new to me. Bacon Salami said that "(my) kind evolved... more »
Linda, it was Olduvai Gorge, in EAST Africa. I am well aware of...
February 9, 2011 2:38 PM
Linda, it was Olduvai Gorge, in EAST Africa. I am well aware of Eve, as well as australopithecus africanus, but you miss the point. He said that my kind evolved from his kind, which implies that "my kind" is more highly evloved than his. All... more »
This is Able Rooster. bacon salami:If we evolved from you, then...
February 8, 2011 9:05 PM
This is Able Rooster. bacon salami:If we evolved from you, then that means we are more evolved than you. That is the only logical answer to your amateur treatise. We didn't evolve FROM you, you idiot, we evolved DIFFERENTLY from you. Your whole... more »
Well then Salami, or bologna, or pepperoni, say NOSE, not...
February 7, 2011 9:45 PM
Well then Salami, or bologna, or pepperoni, say NOSE, not NUZZLE. You impress me with your fundamental grasp of the English Language. You tickle me! more »
Moderateur: you assume that the Haitian gov't can even grasp...
February 7, 2011 9:39 PM
Moderateur: you assume that the Haitian gov't can even grasp the problem. more »
C'mon Big Shot Samedi! Where has your family been for 200...
February 7, 2011 9:27 PM
C'mon Big Shot Samedi! Where has your family been for 200 years? Don't lecture me about America you wannabe. more »
My "nuzzle?" what in your god's name is a nuzzle? You are a...
February 7, 2011 9:16 PM
my "nuzzle?" what in your god's name is a nuzzle? You are a jerk off. more »
I get it: Haitians took Normandy. Haitians landed on the Moon...
February 7, 2011 9:02 PM
I get it: Haitians took Normandy. Haitians landed on the Moon first. Haitians discovered America. Haitians won the Cold War. Haitians invented the airplane. Haitians founded the first railroad. I got it! more »
Mr. Baron That is horse manure. The web is FULL of hogwash...
February 7, 2011 8:56 PM
Mr. Baron That is horse manure. The web is FULL of hogwash. Wash in it. more »
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