Ablerooster - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Ablerooster
(Page 2 of 11)
One more nation we take over? What countries have we taken over...
February 14, 2011 4:58 PM
One more nation we take over? What countries have we taken over recently? You envy American Wealth, PERIOD. Go eat a cookie made of dirt, like your cousin is today! more »
As I tie my tie, I must remark that the reason Haiti loses so...
February 14, 2011 4:40 PM
As I tie my tie, I must remark that the reason Haiti loses so miserably in the MODERN world is that she shoots TRUTH-TELLERS! Open your minds, and stop hating everyone who doesn't agree with your myths and garbage! And petrus&samba: If the... more »
I don't have time for this.....I have a dinner date with a...
February 14, 2011 3:17 PM
I don't have time for this.....I have a dinner date with a stunning woman at the Colonnade on Bayshore in Tampa. I will think about all you ungrateful loser-beggars while I dine. She will get a kick out of my story, I can assure you....She is... more »
The problem with all you Haitians, including you, "brian" is...
February 14, 2011 2:47 PM
The problem with all you Haitians, including you, "brian" is that you have no civil grounding. You act like animals in a fight rather than humans in a debate. You are given to crazy theories and endless rants against the very country you need the... more »
The problem on this blog is that All of You are Completely...
February 13, 2011 4:15 PM
The problem on this blog is that All of You are Completely Ignorant. I will not waste my breath on you loser wannabes again. Solve your own problems, but quit eating my bread! Beyond that, I'm gone! more »
Give me a break, "brian." Bikers have no significant role in...
February 13, 2011 3:18 PM
Give me a break, "brian." Bikers have no significant role in American life. You are a fake. more »
Another thing Petrus: the KKK is a bunch of toothless rednecks...
February 13, 2011 2:15 PM
Another thing Petrus: the KKK is a bunch of toothless rednecks who wish the world was the way they'd like it to be. They are a HAS BEEN in America for years. They have NO legitimacy at all. I take exception to you even mentioning me along with that... more »
I never said Haitians were inferior to ANYONE. You misread my...
February 13, 2011 1:52 PM
I never said Haitians were inferior to ANYONE. You misread my post, and inferred such. Be as it may. more »
Haiti CAN'T join the E.U. It isn't in Europe, genius. America...
February 13, 2011 1:46 PM
Haiti CAN'T join the E.U. It isn't in Europe, genius. America will not tolerate outside interference beyond the current players in the Americas. Won't Happen. Also, I AM NOT a republican. I think for myself. more »
Is "the Haitian way" cowardly and inept, when you take...
February 13, 2011 1:33 PM
Is "the Haitian way" cowardly and inept, when you take advantage of freedom only to deny it? Is that the Haitian way? I have a special American Remedy for threats to me or my family, believe me. more »
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