Ablerooster - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Ablerooster
(Page 2 of 11)

One more nation we take over? What countries have we taken over...

One more nation we take over? What countries have we taken over recently? You envy American Wealth, PERIOD. Go eat a cookie made of dirt, like your cousin is today! more »

As I tie my tie, I must remark that the reason Haiti loses so...

As I tie my tie, I must remark that the reason Haiti loses so miserably in the MODERN world is that she shoots TRUTH-TELLERS! Open your minds, and stop hating everyone who doesn't agree with your myths and garbage! And petrus&samba: If the... more »

I don't have time for this.....I have a dinner date with a...

I don't have time for this.....I have a dinner date with a stunning woman at the Colonnade on Bayshore in Tampa. I will think about all you ungrateful loser-beggars while I dine. She will get a kick out of my story, I can assure you....She is... more »

The problem with all you Haitians, including you, "brian" is...

The problem with all you Haitians, including you, "brian" is that you have no civil grounding. You act like animals in a fight rather than humans in a debate. You are given to crazy theories and endless rants against the very country you need the... more »

The problem on this blog is that All of You are Completely...

The problem on this blog is that All of You are Completely Ignorant. I will not waste my breath on you loser wannabes again. Solve your own problems, but quit eating my bread! Beyond that, I'm gone! more »

Give me a break, "brian." Bikers have no significant role in...

Give me a break, "brian." Bikers have no significant role in American life. You are a fake. more »

Another thing Petrus: the KKK is a bunch of toothless rednecks...

Another thing Petrus: the KKK is a bunch of toothless rednecks who wish the world was the way they'd like it to be. They are a HAS BEEN in America for years. They have NO legitimacy at all. I take exception to you even mentioning me along with that... more »

I never said Haitians were inferior to ANYONE. You misread my...

I never said Haitians were inferior to ANYONE. You misread my post, and inferred such. Be as it may. more »

Haiti CAN'T join the E.U. It isn't in Europe, genius. America...

Haiti CAN'T join the E.U. It isn't in Europe, genius. America will not tolerate outside interference beyond the current players in the Americas. Won't Happen. Also, I AM NOT a republican. I think for myself. more »

Is "the Haitian way" cowardly and inept, when you take...

Is "the Haitian way" cowardly and inept, when you take advantage of freedom only to deny it? Is that the Haitian way? I have a special American Remedy for threats to me or my family, believe me. more »

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