Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Here is the complete archives of press releases, news articles, photos, videos and discussion topics when Rene Preval was president of Haiti. Discover what Haitians talked about when Rene Preval was President of Haiti

Charles Henry Baker will be on October 8, 2010 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM Belleville Manor 1373 Flatbush Ave. Brooklyn, NY OR October 10, 2010 From 6:00 PM to 10:00 MPM Church at the Cross Road 10 South Oraton Parkway East Orange, NJ Contact person... more »
Justin Mondesir, 10/04/10 7:52 PM
Sorry about those videos folks if you wish to see them copy and paste tittles to Anggun - Cesse La Pluie Justin Timberlake - Sexy back Ne me quitte pas Jacques Brel more »
Lionne Club, 02/12/08 2:14 PM
The racketeerian elites are poverty pimps in Haiti. We should kick their asses... more »
Wilbert, 05/03/10 12:33 AM
Port-au-Prince, le mardi 15 Janvier 2008 ATTN : Madame Maguy DURCÉ Ministre du Commerce et de l'Industrie En ses bureaux Analysant la situation actuelle du pays l'Association Pro-consommateur ''APROCO'' dont la mission de protéger et de... more »
Association Pro-consommateur, 04/09/08 10:09 PM
Some accomplices of the Haitian elites are using this site to attack by using late postings to advocate violence. At this time 98% percent of Haitians do not know how to start for they had no insurance prior to this horrible earthquake. It is the... more »
Mathieu Derisse, 01/13/10 2:58 AM
It is the Haitian "boat people" who are constantly sneaking into the U.S. thinking this is the promised land but the people of the U.S. now have over 25 million unemployed, there is a big backlash from right wingers against all immigration... more »
Rkgs, 11/24/09 8:33 AM
Un précédent bilan établi samedi faisait état de 84 morts et 150 blessés. La population Haitienne continue de payer l'irresponsabilité du gouvernement Préval, incapable de supervisé les constructions dans le... more »
La Lionne, 11/12/08 2:45 PM
Soire de la mode without that annoying sign in the middle. I have a couple of friend in there including a relative. Click: Music load up automatically. more »
Lionne One, 06/12/08 5:20 PM
Lettre ouverte au Président de la République d'Haïti Son excellence Monsieur René Préval Permettez-moi de me présenter. Je suis Alphonse Télasco, médecin de profession, gradué à la Faculté de... more »
Alphonse Telasco, 09/08/09 11:10 AM
Peut etre que vos attaques ont pour objectif de cacher les paeches de votre patron Jean Bertrand Aristide que Stanley Lucas a revele avec des preuves et non des accusations bidons. Je vais reproduire quelques analyses de Lucas sur votre patron Jean... more »
Martine Janvier, 06/06/10 12:53 AM
Avant ke rou joure Aristide diol kochon,pran gnou ti temp gade diol parou nan glass ou miroir, examine bien pour sa woue si ou semble ak Europeyen ou Afrikain. Si ou gainyin gnou minimum de logic, examiner de pres sa ou soti dit de Aristide.Il... more »
Operation Makandal, 04/24/11 2:25 PM
HAITI has signed several contracts with other nations to develop its economy over the past 25 years, and every time the investors decide to come on board to start their projects, the UNITED STATES always creates a coup d'etats to prevent them from... more »
Toulimen Legrand, 02/24/11 4:08 PM
Je jure ðevant Dieu et devant la nation den êtte le gardien intraitrable et farouche. Qu'I'll flotte désormais dans l'azure les prouesses de nos sublime martyre, de la Crête à Piérrot de nos butte charrier de... more »
T Laguerre, 04/24/10 8:48 PM
The people arent educated enough to embrace democracy. Enforcement of the law will be the first step towards democracy, as far as i am concerned the whole Police Corps, and the governent are corrupted. To bring democracy, you gotta kill every... more »
Jay, 01/14/10 1:12 AM
Thank you for these comments as I was there in Haiti during these times also and even as a white man, even though I have an Arab last name I am only about 1/8th Arab, I was able to walk any street day or night without fear of attack or robbery or... more »
Earl Wheby Jr, 02/06/10 9:48 PM
Hommage to my sisters who are still being exploited, abused, battered and used as sex slaves by men. more »
Lionne2, 01/17/08 2:43 PM
Lol. Let me guess, you work for the CIA. Or is it the Heritage Foundation? You think we don't see you guys coming with your heavy boots trying to divide us to conquer us? Put your sweatshops in America if you need cheap labor that badly. There are... more »
Gonaives, 01/21/10 2:54 PM
Preval will fled to Dominican Republic soon.He already send some of his stuff there. Fidel Castro will not allow him to stay in Cuba. more »
Antoniothrasybule Kebreau, 11/27/10 9:46 AM
Listen, all I know the St-Fleurs are good people and they are mulashits, mulasluts, mulacats and muladogs. You should be proud of carrying their last name. With all the St-Fleurs we can get a better Haiti. But with mulashits we will have corruption... more »
Sandra Pat Robenson, 01/16/10 12:37 AM
Mayi Moulin Ak Zaboka, mwen kontan ampil fason ke ou reponn kesyion an. Ampil nan blogger sa yo pa komprann sa kap fet la. Yo chita sou do BEF la (USA), epi yap palel mal. Hayiti fe ampil pwogre, an nou pryie pou peyi nou change pito. Don't worry... more »
Keyi Mango Naje Nan Dlo, 01/24/08 11:47 AM
Bill Clinton Puts Influential Muscle Behind Agricultural Production in Haiti more »
Regine, 09/05/10 11:33 AM
yo, Jean Jacques,i must say that i agree with u 95%.The other 5% is for the fact that Duvalier has killed 11 members of my family.ONU is controled by les oiseaux mechants therefore they are not there to help Haiti.The fact in the matter that Brasil... more »
Yves Binbin, 12/15/06 2:05 PM
What is your point.Get a life. Follow in his foostep may you can become..... Hatred & jealous mentality. more »
Carl H, 05/21/09 10:44 AM
Kiki, you said, "I believe PREVAL is perhaps the unique serious haitian president." I understand that that is how you feeeel. However, as I said in my previous post it is not wise in politics, specially when people are starving, to base your... more »
Linda, 08/22/08 9:07 PM
Tu la bien dis... Otage... Et pour ton information petit crétin, le Canada verse chaque année en aide umanitaire plus de 500 000 000$ en aide direct. Mais de toute facon je sais que les Haitien ne sont pas tout de ton especes et si c'est... more »
Jean-philippe, 07/24/07 4:02 PM