Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Here is the complete archives of press releases, news articles, photos, videos and discussion topics when Rene Preval was president of Haiti. Discover what Haitians talked about when Rene Preval was President of Haiti

Resultats Sondage sur la reaction des citoyens par rapport aux prochaines elections Question: Que ferez vous si les membres du CEP restent en fonction? Reponses: a. Participer aux elections: 25% b. La desobeissance civile: 47% d. Boycotter: 27... more »
Stanley Lucas, 11/16/09 7:12 PM
Bondye beni ou, president Preval. Nou nan Amerika ap preye pou ou. Bondye beni ou nan ap ede tout moun na Ayiti. Paste Bill Huegel more »
Paste Bill Huegel, 03/13/10 9:17 AM
before i give you my infor i need to know that you not just someone who want to play around, are you a film major? what is your goal for haiti? more »
Manoucheca Marcelin, 10/07/07 11:56 AM
We,dessaliens,have Haiti for more than 200 years,we have done a great Job with it.We killed Dessalines our liberator,most of our presidends died in exile or are living in foreign land,Duvalier,Cedras,Aristide With their "diakout plin $"Our farms... more »
Preacher, 09/08/09 5:54 PM
I am clear on land ownership rights in America and in Haiti. No one owns land in any country around the world. Land ownership is vested in the state or the country you reside in. Only the state of Haiti or America has a country owns land within... more »
Toulimen Legrand, 02/27/11 11:29 AM
I own a Ready-Mix concrete company in the Austin and San Antonio area. Would like to know if my services can be of any help on the re-building process of Haiti. My expertise is in concrete delivery. Have trucks that are willing to go to Haiti... more »
Matt Beahm, 01/15/10 4:32 PM
nice comic relief. thanks. [that's all I had to say, but this blog doesn't allow you to post something short] more »
Linda, 09/26/08 10:54 PM
TIBA WROTE "Note: The tone of this message reflects the opinion of a foreigner because that is the category the diaspora has been classified as by Haitians citizens and their government as justification to keep the diaspora from taking any part in... more »
Gerabougui, 08/18/09 5:21 PM
Mulattos aren't the problem in Haiti. Preval is dark as hell, Aristid lips were fat and swollen, and the ones before them were ugly negroes. Education is the key, it does not matter what color you are, someone who is a lighter complexion in Haiti... more »
Jay, 01/21/10 2:39 AM
Socher Antonio J, You represent the prototype of inferiority because you dislike dark skin people even though your skin is dark. You cherished the Dominican Republic and rejecting Haiti. That is why you pick Lucas for his ability to take pictures... more »
Lakou Lakay, 06/12/10 2:26 PM
Dessalines The Avenger says: RE: Un President Mulatre Au Pouvoir Pour Le Respect D'Haiti Je suis bien content que vous souhaitez la bienvenue a la communaute internationale mais vous devez envoyer ce message a vos parents pour qu'ils s'arretent de... more »
Dessalines The Avenger, 04/07/10 10:37 PM
Dr Pierre Louis, 01/03/11 12:05 PM
Aristide made his millions through his 5 book sales and generous contributions for his charitable organization. Aristide had received money through the Haitian elites to promote his charitable organization causes in Haiti. Aristide has not stolen... more »
Petrus From Uc, 02/14/11 2:45 PM
Jean-Marie, vous avez beaucoup de courage mon vieux, et je vous félicites pour votre candeur and sagesse. more »
Ti Rouge, 07/30/08 11:35 AM
La Démocratie électoraliste onusienne en Haïti Les assassins choléras sont devenus, le médecin sauveur populaire onusien. La contestation électorale haïtienne formatée pour banaliser le vrai problème actuel qui n'est autre le génocide... more »
Joseph Carlos, 12/29/10 10:34 AM
Foreings investors will control a big part of Haiti work force soon. Epi tou, vakabon pral mache'e SS,bay moun'n serye okipe peyi-ya. Ban chin,nou pa minm ront. more »
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 04/20/11 10:25 AM
C'est un pays ou le diable en personne habite. Le diable et ses demons siegent en Haiti. Les haitiens, en pratiquant le vodou, sont plus retardes que les africains. Les haitiens sont un peuple particuliers caracterises par la laideur, le... more »
Kiki, 08/23/08 10:08 PM
Avez vous pense a creer des fermes agricoles sur les terres appartenant a l'etat de facon a augmenter la production agricole, et en meme temps creer des emplois? more »
Dixon Alexandre, 07/23/10 5:02 PM
I have responded to so many postings that I cannot remember on which point we disagreed before. It is normal to disagree to advance certain causes. I cannot impose my ideas on anyone. I like that when people disagree with me. Based on our culture... more »
Mathieu Derisse, 02/05/10 8:37 PM
Racine musique jouée par des artistes Haïtiens qui ont du talent. Si les vidéos ne jouent pas: copie paste à Simbi (Ram)/ Richard Morse's Haiti Ram - RAM - Defile (Best Kanaval 2008 song ... more »
Claudy, 04/03/08 8:07 PM
Linda, tu es la preuve la plus convaincante de ma perception de que les haitiens sont incapables d'imiter ce qui est bon. Il me semble a moi que tu vis aux etas-unis pendant longtemps. Mais, tu n'arrives pas a imiter ce qui est bon dans la societe... more »
Kiki, 09/01/08 1:18 PM
Rather you present yourself to President of Haiti, or hte situation will never change. That is what all the people in power wants. And they are confortable with the situation like that. My husband is a Darbouze, important people long ago, he wanted... more »
Judit Grau, 05/29/08 7:37 AM
Labadee, the most popular tourist destination of Haiti, is it consedered a territory of Haiti still, better yet, does Labadee still belong to Haiti/Haitians, or does it entirely belong to the master? As a Haitian natif natal, I have my god's given... more »
Tiba, 08/24/08 8:09 AM
Hi TiJas Mwen tounen ankO sou zafè kreyasyon lOt srtucture pou jere pwoblèm koryas ki chita an Ayiti depi digdantan.Si ou chache konnen saki fè Ayiti pOv depi kolon yo te kaze rak, wa konprann tou poukisa mwen mande pou kreye touswit... more »
Jean-marie Leroy, 07/08/08 11:44 PM