Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Here is the complete archives of press releases, news articles, photos, videos and discussion topics when Rene Preval was president of Haiti. Discover what Haitians talked about when Rene Preval was President of Haiti
CORRUPTION DEFINITION: ENGLISH: 1- Lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery); use of a position of trust for dishonest gain 2-... 'corruption' usually refers either to bribes taken by judges, policemen, or other local... more »
Zarien Krab Spider, 07/11/08 4:04 PM
I forgot to discuss you next point. Which has nothing to do with how we are percieved internationally. Yes our conditions are horrible, but that is a national crisis. There are many other countries in the world that have tremendous poverty, crime... more »
Linda, 09/25/07 2:07 PM
Lady, 1234 and so on have already answered by yourself.Furthermore,getting back what we,Haitians have paid to France for the recognition of our independence.And, getting back again,our compensation against all those centuries in slavery will help... more »
Ronald Guillaume, 10/03/08 7:03 PM
Brother I feel your pain and see your points. Instead of Dean Witter bonds why not the construction of a National Bank of Haitian Development ou Banque Nationale de Developpement, supervisee par des citoyens haitiens desinteresses de concert avec... more »
Move Zanj, 08/08/07 3:21 PM
The following picture and article will tell you more about the people who are against Aristide and why.Some of them receive their pay checks in Virginia more »
Operation Makandal, 04/24/11 2:11 PM
Flow, when I was a school boy, we learned in the "Science et Hygiene" book, to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. That may not be accurate, but the fact is, we must drink plenty of it to maintain a good health! You said Five, they say 8! The... more »
Ti Malice, 10/29/07 4:56 AM
Andrew Andy Thomas, You said "However, do you know that by renouncing their Haitian citizenship most Haitian who became a U.S. citizen through naturalization is not considered a natural born citizen? Andy, even the cave man knows that. Are you... more »
Tiba, 08/05/09 10:31 PM
Larry, Welcome back! how did you find Haiti Thomas? I hope Haiti Quisqueya is still at the same location (smile), it's a joke! Well, I'd tell you that I applaud your effort to help our Haiti cherie. However, some of the plans are very good and some... more »
Tiba, 03/12/09 3:37 PM
Zay and Robert, I understand both of you guys point of view and I glad you guys back to normal. Haiti doesn't and I repeat doesn't need Army that was enlisted in the US army. Raul cedrase got he's training from US and so does many of he's general... more »
Jean Batiste, 06/04/07 5:38 PM
Please go to to read more on this story. I feel compelled to call on the Haitian people to refrain from their destructive emotion before going on the deepend, to think carefully what the return of Aristide will mean for Haiti. It can... more »
Tiba, 02/01/11 6:08 AM
Hi Tiba, yep, it's me. I am trying desperately to stay hopeful that this time there can be some real changes in Haiti. For that to happen, this president has to be given a chance to do what he wants to do. So, let's hold judgment until we see what... more »
Linda, 04/11/11 3:27 PM
Lundi, 19 octobre 2009 10:15 Préval justifie la présence des troupes onusiennes Dans son discours à l'occasion des cérémonies marquant le 203 eme anniversaire de la mort du père... more »
Roosevelt, 10/20/09 10:35 PM
ENIGM DIPLOMATIK ENIGM DIPLOMATIK ΕΝΙΓΜ ΔΙΠΛΟΜΑΤΙΚ * Pa: Christonardeni Christonardeni * In Memoriam: Adrien Joseph Frédéric (La Fleur) Adrien Wébert (Obadya... more »
Adrien Chenet Christonardeni, 02/20/09 9:28 AM
I did not make a blanket statement about any group.I did not believe any particular group is inherently more wicked than other. Our specie has the awesome potential to do good and bad regardless of the longitude or latitude where they live. However... more »
Pierre F. Lherisson, 01/03/11 1:53 PM
Collecting medicines and other medical tools for the Tortuga Island Summer Medical Mission.Any collaboration will be welcome. more »
La Torute Developpment, 06/07/10 5:34 PM
That's why we're still paying for it. Bankrupt the country put it into extreme debt early and sit back and watch it implode. Then seperate by finding someone with a simple mind and play the race card like Duarte and sit back and wait. France said... more »
Oneislandonelove, 12/21/09 2:25 AM
Hey The Dark Knight and The Black Knight any chance one of you could change your name. It's going to get difficult to remember who's who; specially since it seems you also have the same writing style. I think that the Dark Night was here first... more »
Linda, 02/15/10 12:25 PM
Dédée Bazile une femme noire,née dans les environs du Cap-Haitiean de parents esclaves, Dédée Bazile qui se serait vue, vers l'âge de 18 ans,la proie des pires outrages de son maître. Ell est donnée par... more »
Lionne Club, 01/10/08 3:53 PM
You really need to know yourself and what the "F" word can do to yourself. Here is a Clue to his return in 1994;Boutros Boutros Ghali was Secretary of the UN,Black Caucus... A bundle of deal that will follow to his kidnapping in 2004. Idiot or... more »
Ronald Guillaume, 02/26/08 4:07 PM
This is what President Preval Said he was going to do in 2006. What was done in reality? President Preval should tell the Haitian people in a speech about all the progress his government made. ""Less poverty, more hope. BY RENE GARCIA PREVAL: Ten... more »
Tony, 04/09/08 12:03 AM
Sudre, 02/02/11 12:07 PM
Un Candidat opportuniste comme Paul G. Magloire veut prendre Haiti en otage. Avez vous oublie les exactions de Paul Eugene Magloire contre le peuple Haiti? Paul Eugene Magloire etait le leader de la segregation raciale en Haiti entre mulatres et... more »
Champwel Dlo, 08/31/10 1:39 PM
pou ki sa bagay yo chè konsa, mezanmi fo tout mou-n ta fè yon jes damou an favè sak pi pov yo. si mou-n pa ka manje, pap gen la pè. more »
Pierre Amos, 11/07/07 1:41 PM
Posted by Col Eric Doerrer on 9/9/07 1:59 PM Col Doerrer : Sorry to hear that happen to you in your wife : But I must tell you the true, Be Happy because in jaimaca it would have been worst. I have made worst experience in Switzerland my wife is... more »
Roland, 10/08/07 10:10 AM
J'ai compris la raison de citer les listes des actes posait par Aristide et son gouvernement; Aristidde sans doute devrait etre repondu a la justice Haitienne pour tant de mal avait cause a la nation et son peuple. Aristide est un ruse demon et... more »
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 04/24/11 12:10 PM