Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Here is the complete archives of press releases, news articles, photos, videos and discussion topics when Rene Preval was president of Haiti. Discover what Haitians talked about when Rene Preval was President of Haiti
Vous etes degoutant & frankly, I don't believe you're even Haitian. You're probably Jay or one of those other swamp boys pretending to be Haitian. It would certainly be a nightmare for your neoliberal aims in Haiti if you couldn't keep the colors... more »
Gonaives, 01/21/10 1:44 PM
It is sad to argue it, but it is true. Haitian peasants want and accept modernity for a better Haiti, but Haitian intellectuals prefer the primitive way of thinking to get things undone as business as usual.This blog is filled with a lot of... more »
Ndiaga T, 06/11/10 9:10 AM
Listen up Haitians, until you get rid of the IMF - World Bank - USAID and BID, you will never be free, and will remain in a chaotic state. Currently, you are enslaved by a 1 $billion debt. Explain to me how you intend to repay this debt, plus... more »
Ti Rouge, 08/11/08 11:39 AM
zoezo oiseau zoezo oiseau zoezo oiseau zoezo oiseau zoezo oiseau zoezo zoezo oiseau zoezo oiseau oiseau I cannot post Choucoune story due to your filters. What is triggering it. We should be able to post zoezo meaning oiseau. Can you please fix the... more »
Lionne One, 06/11/08 11:26 AM
Pierre I. Guillaume My! my! my! You said "There are other Haitian Diaspora in other countries who adopted a second citizenship without renouncing their Haitian citizenship." If what you just said is true, then that makes all of those who are... more »
Tiba, 08/14/09 9:26 PM
Whoever posted this topic about Rush on Haiti You sounded worry, crying and begging..what for? How come you just said that "Just one Haitian terrorist will they do this and that to Haiti?" No Haitians people terrorist..that's not in our system... more »
Jean Pe, 10/08/09 10:23 PM
I feel your frustration, but US government, your government, helped created that primitive system by helping all of these incompetent and mediocre in power as the best way for US to get full control of the country. Second, I see a little bit of... more »
Tiba, 11/25/08 1:45 PM
Monsieur le président, Vous êtes comblé d' avoir la visite de 2 hautes personnalités dans une année: la gouverneure générale du Canada et la reine Sophie d' Espagne; en plus d' avoir bientôt M. Barack Obama... more »
Carlo Boncy, 01/17/09 11:56 AM
DEPRAVE on vois bien ce dont vous parlez!!!, mais traitre..... Haiti serait en guerre et madame Manigat coucheraiT avec l'ennemi, Mais mon ami le grand frère hébergeur de diaspora est au coeur du pays depuis si longtemps.Depuis1934 l... more »
Daugenn, 11/30/10 8:45 PM
You have two faces and you are a coward person. You ask for forgiveness and after you change your name to Rooster. Shame on you! more »
Sloot, 02/15/11 7:23 PM
tiba sometimes when someone said something on the web you do not understand and jump to the person. I saw you have so many fight with others because of that attitude. I said I used to.If I paid around $ 19000 in taxes is because I make more. more »
0000, 07/24/09 4:51 AM
President Jean Bertrand Aristide announced today in a South African TV station that he is going back to Haiti Watch The Video Now more »
Aristide In The News, 04/01/09 1:35 PM
65000 people watch TNH worldwide - 65000 People watch Television nationale d'haiti worldwide - more »
Ceo Of, 02/21/07 11:19 AM
I cannot reply to you because you are an ignorant Guirlaine St-Fleur. It is a shame for I don't know any person in the St-Fleur Family who can stoop that low like you. I have a lot of respect for the St-Fleur family and it is sad that you have... more »
Fanfan, 03/07/11 8:16 PM
i am Haitian i reject the comment rene preval made when he coming to Tampa Florida he said that Haitian government not dons not corruption i know that was a lie the Haitians people have right to call you a lie if you lie people have right to know... more »
Marco, 04/04/10 4:32 PM
Sometimes we do have to make hard choices in life. When life throws you unexpected curves, it is up to you to correct them. We can't always go by rule of thumbs. Right now, Haiti calls for very hard, objectives and mature decisions. In a perfect... more »
Marjorie Middy, 01/20/11 7:35 PM
Dear President, I salute with a great respect for you duties in our country and i profite this opportunies to complaint about some major problem like communication,corruption,and especially the "bourgoisie's class"who represente the most problem in... more »
Raynald Mereste, 10/01/07 10:45 PM
An nou rete tann tout rezilta anket yo fin tonbe. more »
Tiboule Harold, 12/09/10 9:43 PM
Bon tout moun sanse ka wè ke preval se youn prezidan ransè. Li pa regle anyen, sèl sal bezwen se pou 3 peyi etranje etazini, lafrans e kanada bal bon nòt. Dayè se youn ban aferis patripòch kel gen bò kotel. Ki te... more »
Jiji, 01/06/08 12:46 PM
nou ta rinmin ale lakay youn jou ak ket pose san reflechi se selman achete youn ti ket epi nou ale eske sa posible youn jou we count on you you are our only hope maybe you need a litle more time promisse us that we can say that we are haitian and... more »
Mazel Arontz, 12/26/06 10:40 PM
A Solution to Haiti's Political and Electoral Crisis By Stanley Lucas December 9, 2010 Before the January 12 earthquake, the situation in Haiti was already dire. Haiti ranked at the bottom of almost every development index - 158th for education... more »
Carole Frerot, 12/09/10 10:18 AM
Pou ki sa depi te a te tranble a ou pa jam ale gin mounn ki di ou gen ke di mwen di se pa vre. more »
Fritz Pierre - Louis, 07/13/10 6:34 PM
Jan parese sa yo fye nan lave bouda ti gran moun nan New York ak Miami. Ou pa bezwen enfome yo, yap fout mouri tou nan medikaman chimik yap bay gran moun yo. Menn American blan kon nwa kite job sila a yo pou Ayisen parese nan New York, New Jersey e... more »
Leblanc Rene, 07/11/10 8:33 PM
We need to educate Haitians and watch all foreigners in their activities in Haiti to avoid internal divisions, gossips, coup d'etats, assassination through biowarfare like that cholera, corruption and deliberated killing of our educated citizens... more »
Toulimen, 02/18/11 7:53 PM
Hi, GSPARE = Government Spending Policies for Anticipated Return Economics 1. Reduce social expenditures while increasing capital expenditures 2. Most Haiti's necessities should become national projects. e.g. Lack of General Hospitals - project to... more »
Rubens Titus, 11/01/07 8:59 PM