Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Here is the complete archives of press releases, news articles, photos, videos and discussion topics when Rene Preval was president of Haiti. Discover what Haitians talked about when Rene Preval was President of Haiti

I used to always be proud to say that i was Haitian, but now i feel different. i feel sick to my stomach of all the violence that's been going on and the so call "president" is not doing anything to solve these problems. i honestly don't know why... more »
Princess, 04/15/08 11:19 AM
Haitians are not living in the past Rooster. They have a cultural heritage to preserve and they must preserve it till the end. America is destroying Haiti by preventing Haiti to be itself. America needs to stop producing for the whole world.People... more »
Toulimen Legrand, 04/13/11 2:17 PM
Nadege, I was never a slave, dear. My ancestors might have been colonized but my mind was always free, nobody owned it. I can't say the same for you. You can't begin to have a normal debate with someone without showing your false superiority card... more »
Marie Janty, 11/08/10 9:46 AM
C'est parce que des imbéciles turbo-génétiques comme celui ou celle qui a écrit ça que JAMAIS les nègres ne sauront se gouverner. Preval, comme tous les autres à qui depuis des générations on envoie... more »
Lise M., 02/09/10 10:15 PM
Watch the Haiti News Desk 10 11 08 Part 1 video, HAITI NEWS DESK 10 11 08 PART 1 VISITE PRESIDENT PREVAL AU GONAIVES more »
Topic, 01/31/09 11:55 PM
Hey dude,Kissinger came at the age of six to USA.You need to born in USA to become a president or if your both parents are born in the USA and their child born abroad while on duty overseas that child can be a president. more »
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 05/12/11 9:26 PM
This is what I was saying from day one this woman got picked as prime minister of Haiti Thomas. Contrary to some of you who were glorifying her education and her job at Fokal as CEO, I insisted that she was just another incompetent joining the... more »
Tiba, 10/15/08 6:50 PM
Linda, Your observation is well taken. Remember awhile back when some deranged morons were using your identity and mine? Remember how we were calling on Woodrings to stop two (2) same ID names on the blog? Uptil this very day he still can't tap on... more »
Tiba, 03/12/10 5:57 AM
would you have more information on importing from Haiti? I'm interested in shipping rates/tariffs/customs, etc. Thanks, Kim more »
Kim Ross, 08/03/09 9:46 PM
C'est normal, nous ne savons pas QUI voter? Nous ne sommes pas encore près pour élire des hommes compétents pour nous représenter. more »
Haitian, 04/29/09 8:00 AM
"How about that Saturday evening? It smelled so great. How about the weather Yesterday? The weather was so good yesterday. How about it today? The hope is working. How about going to the deepest darkest dark-underground? They are scared of the dark... more »
The Dark Knight, 11/09/09 4:34 PM
Economic overview Poverty Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. According to recent poverty studies conducted in the country, an estimated 76 per cent of its 8.4 million population lives below the poverty line (on less than US$2 a... more »
Lionne, 04/24/08 5:59 PM
Bonsoi la sosyete. epok kanaval fe nou blye vant kode chodye pa monte min ban ap pase mem si nou mache a pye fok nou al gade ti moun grangou ap krye tout granmou kap teke ap prye blakout fe ge nou klere koukouje ki we nan fe nwe epok kanaval fe nou... more »
Rubens F. Titus, 02/04/08 11:43 PM
Bien dit. Je pense que nous sommes en tandem jusqu'a peut-etre 98%. C'est vrai. Ou sont les grands projects nationaux de construction a travers le pays. Bien sur ou sont les rois rectificatives et surtout le renforcement de ces lois. Je pense qu'on... more »
Rubens F. Titus, 02/02/08 5:18 PM
Dans Les 10 pays les plus corrompus dans le Monde en 2008 Haiti est - N°4 : Haïti apparaît en 4ème position du classement. Ci-dessus, le 26 septembre 2008, une mère et ses cinq enfants attendent l'aide alimentaire... more »
Une Lionne, 01/23/09 2:17 AM
Bonjour M.Rene PREVAL, Business Carïbes Environnement et Serrano Environnement est une entreprise Française dont l'activité repose sur l'ingénierie et la fabrication de panneaux solaires... more »
F Lix Dola S, 04/24/09 10:09 PM
Un inmenso saludo Sr honorable presidente Mi deseo es tratar de ayudar en algo bueno a mi pais,vivo en la Rep Dom yo soy un detective privado pertenesco a un ajencia que da servicio como este,somos varios jovenes haitiano universitario(detectives... more »
Douglas, 11/26/06 7:27 PM
je suis resté persuadé que les réels changements que nous tous souhaitons pour Haiti ne sauraient dépendre d'un premier ministre; que ce soit Erick, Bob ou Michelle. personne ne dispode d'une baguette magique pour transformer le... more »
Andre Manigat, 06/27/08 8:10 AM
It is beyond comprehension that many leaders complained about the CEP's decision to reject some candidates,yet these same leaders believed to be politician. let's be fair to the call that you accept to be witnessed to. Of course, it is going to be... more »
Dr.rivel Dumaine, 08/31/10 8:27 PM
Tiboule I must say I do appreciate your calm demeanor but you asked me for a reason why I did not support Jude Celestin, I provided you with two. 1. Preval himself admitted frauds during the election. 2. Preval's government was virtually absent... more »
Zac, 12/09/10 3:11 PM
Bizarre, 08/15/09 8:32 PM
How u doing mr. preval? Pleople say that you are a servant of god,... a blessing from above.I bealeve that God is with us Mr Preval.I bealeve you are a savior that will breing good to the kingdom of God of Haiti.. (Mont.Zion)and that all is people... more »
Emmanuel Depestre The Messiah, 06/23/07 5:35 AM
THE MODERN, YET SILENT EXTERNAL DOMINATION OF HAITI: "The Current Colonization From Abroad" By Wilgeens Rosenberg The external domination of Haiti's resources and political processes mostly by U.S. interests is so deep and pervasive that no... more »
Wilgeens.rosenberg, 04/18/08 1:02 AM
Le ministre de la justice devrait demander a l'inspecteur general Mr.Michael Lucius de se presenter ou de se faire representer par devant le juge d'instruction.Il y a dans cette affaire quelque chose d'une odeur nauseabonde. On peut deja en deduire... more »
Robert Patrick Toussaint, 09/14/06 12:46 PM
Hi, I proudly own all the textbooks that you mention and I am an avid student of Haitian History. We can work together my compatriote. more »
Rubens Titus, 10/14/07 1:06 AM