Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Here is the complete archives of press releases, news articles, photos, videos and discussion topics when Rene Preval was president of Haiti. Discover what Haitians talked about when Rene Preval was President of Haiti
kelke swa politisyen, ki aprouvé jan de maniféstasyon sa yo nan péyi d'Ayiti,jounen jodi a, pou éta péyi sa a yé la a,nan tout kokorat sa yo pa gen yon ki ka dirijé péyi sa a,mtrouvé Préval gen... more »
Pierre, 05/19/10 7:17 PM
question for all haitians (gonavians) who are from la gonave. how many of us think la gonave need to become independent. i am from la gonave and even when haiti is gone wild (hot). la gonave is always calm, we only know things are going on in haiti... more »
Jules, 02/23/07 10:57 AM
Maman, maman, la douleur est immense Maman, maman, une chose est sûre Notre passé de Taina et d'Africaine a été volé. Ceux qui nous ont combattu hier Sont présent à nos côtés en Haiti dans ces moments... more »
Lionne, 05/09/08 2:37 PM
President Preval, la democratie occidentale est incompatible a la culture haitienne. Nous sommes habitues a un regime presidentiel. Retournons au poitrimoine ancestral parce que le poste du premier ministre est budgetivore et conflictuel. Demander... more »
Francisque Jean-charles, 04/21/08 12:29 PM
Il faut que le peuple Haitien reclame le depart de Preval et de le remplacer avec quelqu'un qui peut enrayer l'insecurite dans le pays. Les gangs de Preval n'epargnent ni enfants ni viellards. La solution au probleme d'insecurite est que le... more »
Ronald C., 12/04/06 11:31 PM
* BANN LODÈ LOGÈY KLIMA LA PÈ (Lide pou chanje mantalite) * BANN LODÈ LOGÈY KLIMA LA PÈ Pwezi Kreyòl Ayisyen) * BANN LODÈ LOGÈY KLIMA LA PÈ * Pa:Christonardeni/Adrien Chenet * In Memoriam... more »
Adrien Chenet Christonardeni, 01/18/10 5:11 PM
Haitian President Preval largely absent in quake's aftermath President Rene Preval has spoken far more to foreign audiences through satellite television than to his own people. Over consecutive days this weekend, Préval, 67, met with Secretary... more »
Kote Preval, 01/17/10 10:54 PM
I told everyone I know not to intervene in political affairs when they set their feet in Haiti. They need to work behind the scenes by enabling Haitians in Haiti to stand for themselves if they do not want to return to America. I spoke with Leonel... more »
Adrien, 01/24/11 7:57 AM
Well, whose fault is it when Haiti's own (corrupt politicians) are willing to sell it out for bids to other big nations? All that you are telling me right now show no rellevancy ifor when allthose exploitations were aided by Haiti's very own... more »
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 04/06/09 1:06 PM
Anyone know how to contact Veronique Roy public relations representative fo Claude "Baby Doc' Duvalier or make contact with Baby Doc? This is for news story more »
Earl Anders, 06/28/09 1:24 PM
By Linda Carroll contributor Updated 4/19/2011 10:16:49 AM ET For decades we've been told that stress can kill you, that happy people live longer and that hours in the gym will keep you healthy. Now researchers have turned this kind of... more »
Toulimen For Awareness, 04/23/11 2:53 PM
ekseans M. Garcia Preva, mwen salye w. Mwen felisite kouraj ou genyen pou toujou rete sou pouvwa tet chaje sa a avek yon peyi kap konnen de jou an jou problem e de fwa se ayisyen ki mete tet yo nan mize atros sa a. Mwen se etidyan an syans... more »
Osiris Eset, 05/15/08 2:08 PM
Hello Jean, Thank you for your feedback and I did visit your website information but I am not sure if I could give you a satisfactory answer for the moment based on your particular objectives. Helping you is not the problem but your approached was... more »
Montresor 2011, 11/04/09 4:18 PM
We all know the situation in which our beloved country Haiti has been. I beleive that it would be the best thing to do to allow all Haitian Americans, Haitian Canadians, Haitian french etc... whether by birth or by naturalisation to have legal... more »
Pierre P. Sergeant Usmc, 02/16/10 8:59 AM
Peut etre que vous ne comprenez pas ma question. Tout d'abord c'est un sujet tres vaste, c'est pourquoi je l'ai lance dans l'air esperant que quelqu'un viendrait avec une suggestion ou une reponse valable a la question posee. Il y a tant de choses... more »
Djakut, 10/11/07 11:44 PM

Watch the Interview With Kevin Pina video, This is a very short excerpt of an interview with producer director Kevin... more »
Topic, 02/10/09 3:38 AM
Alors Mr Luberisse Je comprends peut etre votre frustration. Je comprends aussi la perte de votre confiance et le desespoir qui semble etre votre coqueluche mais toujours est il mon cher ami au dela de cette culture du mensonge, de la calomnie, du... more »
Kamoken, 03/23/11 7:48 PM
hi, thanks for your interest about Haiti's plight. I guess clever minds think alike. I can be reached at yldep at Thanks. more »
Rubens F. Titus, 05/09/08 2:10 AM
ti linda cubana, Vous n'avez pas les atout intelectuelles pour critiquer Son Excellence,le President Rene Preval,son entourage et supporteurs.Vous ne pouvez meme pas vous exprimer en Anglais correctement. Je ne vous comprend pas ti linda... more »
Adline, 03/13/10 7:12 PM
I don't mean to get personal here but when you speak of the Great King is coming I wonder if you are refering to myself whos grandfather was, for a short period of time, king of The Royal Kingdom of Greater Syria and was forced to flee to the U.S... more »
H.h. Earl Wheby, 10/01/09 9:37 PM
Appel, Archil Dejean,OK. Il etait avec nous a Washington, actuellement il est en California. J,en suis sure, t'as besion d'aide. Il va retourner au Gabon sous peu... more »
Yves Santais, 08/27/07 11:54 PM
Hello there, I'm coming on at the end of this conversation, so I.D to what end, and for what purpose?. more »
Edzo, 02/03/08 11:06 PM
Mr President my name is anderson cameau used to be a leader in national music department of caserne dessalines from 1974 to 1980 and moved usa i wish to help my country big time in the music deptartment i reside now still in USA since then i can be... more »
Anderson Cameau, 11/05/06 10:54 PM
Mr Malbranche, Mes sinceres excuses pour la confusion. Aurais-je la dexterilite d'un chirrugien, je n'arrivrais jamais a changer votre nature masculine. Je connais tans de gens du sexe oppose portant ce nom. Peut etre le film " Camille Claudel... more »
N. Jean-phillipe, 12/18/07 10:30 AM