Salut RPT, to answer your last question: c'est de l'egoisme...
Linda says...
Salut RPT, to answer your last question: c'est de l'egoisme.
Long time no chat. How are you?
How's your invention doing?
It's good to see that you have not lost faith as I have. It would be nice if one day someone in this government would hear you, but I'm afraid that they don't want to. You will have to wait for a government that actually care about Haiti.
This is a reply to Msg 9963
Posted by Linda on July 22 2008 at 2:59 AM
Messages in this topic
Reverend, oui le gouvernement doit appliquer les mesures necessaires pour tirer le peuple de la misere et du black out. Vivant dans le noir, que peut produire ce peuple? Il est grand temps pour Haiti de commencer a puiser de notre source intarissable > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 21-Jul-08 10:43 am
Rene Preval Blog UN PRESIDENT EN CHAIR ET PANNE D'ELECTICITE Monsieur le President, il faut revoquer le chef du protocol qui a failli a son devoir. Il aurait du s'assurer, qu'un generateur etait diponible pour supplayer a une eventuelle pann > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 21-Jul-08 11:23 am
On voit bien que les belles idees ne manquent pas chez nos amis/ies qui n' exercent pas ou pas encore LE POUVOIR.Mais Que de difficultes a les appliquer lorsqu' on est en situation d' autorite! Il faudrait definitivement imposer a notre EGO une > >
Jean-marie Leroy, 21-Jul-08 12:22 pm
Mon frere en la patrie, Jean Marie, je te remercie tres sincere, pour l'appreciation portee a mes idees. Elles ne sont pas des plus difficile a realiser. Fais en l'experience toi meme, en apportant une lampe solaire pour la localite en Haiti dont tu > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 21-Jul-08 9:42 pm
Salut RPT, to answer your last question: c'est de l'egoisme. Long time no chat. How are you? How's your invention doing? It's good to see that you have not lost faith as I have. It would be nice if one day someone in this government would hear you > >
Linda, 22-Jul-08 2:59 am
Je te remercie de ton acceuil, comme tu vois je ne perd pas la foi et continuerai le combat jusqu'a ce que les parlementaires inposent les desideratas du peuple. Il nous faut developper ce pays en fonction de notre temps et des exigences de heure. En > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 22-Jul-08 6:09 pm
Linda, Haitian governments (past & present) do hear the plight of Haitian people every day whether on the radion, or on the streets protesting, or in our music, or in person, etc... the true of the matter is the Haitian government just doesn't giv > >
Tiba, 22-Jul-08 10:31 pm
While I feel your passion in your statements and agree with you on some points, I disagree with you on other points. In every country, you have the haves and the have-nots, the kings/queens and the commons, the people and the government, the well-inf > >
Mj, 27-Jul-08 1:57 am
Mi, I applaud your analogy on the state of our country and the disengagement of Haitian citizens to unite as one body to improve it once and for all, I agree with you 150%. However, you failed to realize and acknowledge the "cause and effect" t > >
Tiba, 27-Jul-08 7:22 am
Dear MJ, civic duty and civilized behavior is something that is taught; it is not something that people are born with. You may be too young to know this (I learned this from people older than me), or you may be a Haitian who has only gotten to know H > >
Linda., 27-Jul-08 9:28 am