Mwen pa bay manti tankou-w
Ayisyen Patriyot says...
I do have an MBA and I have my own small business.
How can you be teaching if your english is so awful?
Maybe in Haiti.
PHD so you're a doctor then. Call yourself doctor Jolibois.
By the way, this is not the point.
Whether you have a PHD or not, you're blind.
I have had several PHD professors with not common sense at all, and who did not what the f they were talking about.
Where do you teach?
How many books have you published?
MBA is a BS now(anyone can have it, the school you went to is the only difference) but I know what I stand for: Democracy, peace, education, "reboisement", tourism, electricity, etc.
Has aristid provided any of those?
No. Instead, he has generated violence and used it as a weapon.
No bourgeois killed JeanDo.
He was one of them and never attacked them. As for Ismery, he was killed by Michel Francois for supporting aristid too much. Poor Izmery, he was a true patriot.
aristid lured him to his death as he did many of us. aristid had pe Jean Mary Vincent killed also while he was in exile, and about to be brought back by Bill Clinton because Pe Vincent told him he'd rather stayed where he was instead of coming back like a puppet.
He did not like the comment.
He had him executed and blamed the military for doing so. No one in the military knew Pe Vincent's route.
Only someone inside the church could have known it.
He killed 2 birds with one stone: he got rid of Vincent who opposed his return formula, and by the same token put more pressure on the US gvt to bring him back. WHen priests are being killed, it's no joke. Clinton, despite his skepticism and suspicion about the man's state of mind, rushed him back.
Use your common sense, it's all so obvious.
Whether you have a PHD or not, your level of thinking is biased and I don't think you can see truth for what it is. You're intolerant, you're blind, you're mistaken.
Have you read enough books, analyzed them and got a judgement of your own?
I don't know.
But if I knew the name of the university where you teach at, I would have spread the world out there: " do not send your children to that TJO university, the faculties are insane there"
You mentioned Preval is a product of aristid.
Don't you know a lot of good people were following him blindly at that time?
He picked Preval, "the machan'n pen" as they call him pejoratively, because Preval loved him and showed him so as we all did.
THen, of course, Preval as a real Haitian without any personal ambition, or thirst, or narcissim, was one of the most disappointed, especially when he became president.
Nixon chose Ford as vice-president, The latter later became president after his resignation, did that mean Ford had to follow the Nixon's line of thinking?
-Absolutely no. Ford had his own mind. So does Preval.
Listen nerd, you don't know what the heck you're talking about.
Logicians argue that accepting a theory or thought or belief without logical reasonning is illogical, therefore you're illogical and I dont want to reply to you anymore.
I will not be online for the next 4 days anyway.
I will be away.
"O combien de marins, combien de capitaines
Sont partis pour les courses lointaines
Et ne sont pas revenus?"
Je reviendrai.
Je dois dire la verite qui, peut-etre, est fausse quand d'autres ames interviennent dans la ronde, mais nous sommes libres d'opiner, que Jolibwa manjedfey le veuille ou non.
By the way, do you know I am not that economics ignorant.
My BA was in Economics and I took several graduate classes in Economics as well. I know a little bit about it then before I concentrated on Finance and Accounting.
Adieu Jolibwa.
Sak fe-w pa moute bwa wale jwanesbou.
One love brother!
If you're not a criminal, I have nothing against you. If you are, I will fight you till my last breath.
I hate thieves and criminals, they are the reason why we cannot live in our country right now.
The topic is: Aristide is nothing but a smart slot and thief
This is a reply to Msg 991
Posted by Ayisyen Patriyot on December 29 2006 at 3:23 PM