Yves Mario Mothersil, you have the Duvalier nostalgia fever...
Robertson says...
Yves Mario Mothersil, you have the Duvalier nostalgia fever.
You are a Tonton Macoute and a house uncle tom negro.
The topic is: www.myspace.com/jeanclaudeduvalier
This is a reply to Msg 9877
Posted by Robertson on July 19 2008 at 4:43 PM
Messages in this topic
viv duvalier pou tout tan > >
Mike, 13-Jul-08 11:27 pm
Retire Ti Rene Sou Pouwra, 13-Jul-08 11:33 pm
Contrary to what I've been reading on this blog sphere, it wasn't the departure of Jean Claude Duvalier that caused our currency to plummet, but rather the end of the Cold War. That was an Economics Geo-strategy used by the USA to bring the former So > >
Ti Rouge, 14-Jul-08 10:56 am
You can start by asking Jean-Claude Duvalier and his clic to return the rest of money stolen from Haiti. You think Duvalier was so good, because as tonton macoute you did what you dam please in the country? > >
Claudette, 17-Jul-08 1:23 am
I am not asking for the return of Jean Claude Duvalier, he is a wimp. If it were possible, I would like to see his father back at the helm. This would bring Haiti back into the civilized world, > >
Mario Mothersil, 19-Jul-08 12:28 pm
Yves Mario Mothersil, you have the Duvalier nostalgia fever. You are a Tonton Macoute and a house uncle tom negro. > >
Robertson, 19-Jul-08 4:43 pm
This just came across the wire that former president Aristide will be returning to Haiti in December, and the government of Haiti has declared that the constitution of Haiti allows for its citizen to return home, except for Raoul Cedras which is a tr > >
Ronald Duvivier, 19-Jul-08 8:11 pm
Hi Claudette, it will be a cold day in HELL, before that happen. Look around you the people in Haiti, are each other worst nightmare. they are killing each other. The goverment don't care. Some of these people will kill for a dollar. May GOD hel > >
Sonia Charles, 29-Aug-08 8:20 pm
Who ever praise Papa Doc is a unfortunate suporter of the biggest criminal in Haity's history, he destroyed the country and forced over one million haitian in exile. Aristide knows he will never go back to haiti, he knows why (he took the colombia > >
Lee Roy, 14-Mar-09 12:08 pm
Mike Nostalgic feelings are expressed by many Haitians, hence the need to recognize that both Jean Bertrand Aristide and Jean Claude Duvalier positively and negatively affected us. The 2011 election are nearing and neither of the two will directly > >
Gera Bougui, 16-Mar-09 8:07 am