Mario Mothersil hates BLACK people

Ti Rouge says...

Little Mario, your academic level is very poor, and your self esteem is even poorer.

It looks like the US Army has done a pretty dawn job of removing every single logical cell you had left from your idiotic brain.

You are a soldier and your duty is to carry out orders, but remember there are illegal orders as was the case after World War II. Stop carrying out the message of hate, bigotry, racism and anti-semitism.

Let me reiterate: "you need help and a lot of help" because you are a special case. I know a lot of folks like yourself whose blogging efforts in the sphere are to demonize haitians.

I am watching you very closely (IP address) mothersilm at Be mindful that Anti-Semetism is a federal crime.

Watch it. Ti Yves

The topic is: Haitians the most incompetent and mediocre people
This is a reply to Msg 9862
Posted by Ti Rouge on July 19 2008 at 4:31 PM

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Mario Mothersil, 19-Jul-08 12:10 am
Indeed, incompetent and mediocre of course I am... and as you have said it best hmm: YOU COULD NOT HAVE SAID IT BETTER YOURSELF (lol). Thank you kindly? (Ha hah lol)!!! > >
Will Rosenberg, 19-Jul-08 1:40 am
Little Mario, your academic level is very poor, and your self esteem is even poorer. It looks like the US Army has done a pretty dawn job of removing every single logical cell you had left from your idiotic brain. You are a soldier and your duty is > >
Ti Rouge, 19-Jul-08 4:31 pm
"Professor," I agree with your comment, but I doubt that you are a Professor. You said "I also is a Ph.D student." Well if you were a real professor you would know that you cannot become a professor unless you already have your Ph.D. Also, you woul > >
Linda, 20-Jul-08 5:09 am
linda, You said to the professor " Well if you were a real professor you would know that you cannot become a professor unless you already have your Ph.D." Well, with all due respect, that is a false statement. In fact, he can be a professor while > >
Tiba, 20-Jul-08 8:44 am
Actually, you are very wrong. You absolutely have to have a Ph.D if you want to be a professor. No Ph.D no Professor. You can teach at a college as a lecture if you have a masters degree, or if you are finishing your Ph.D., but you cannot and will ne > >
Linda, 20-Jul-08 6:46 pm
you're absolutely right, that's why, for fifteen years i never set foot in Haiti only because of the incompetence of the haitian governments and their "acolics".They sould change the way presidents/senator are elected, it's too easy to elect garbage. > >
Djakut, 20-Jul-08 7:00 pm
Tiba if i were you, i would change my statement regarding the Haitian people. it would have been better if you talked about the Haitian governments these days instead of blasting a whole nation like that. I just replied to your post because that's th > >
Djakut, 20-Jul-08 7:18 pm
djakut, I am sorry, but when I sit back and look at the state of the Haitian people, I become convinced that we, as a people, are the most incompetent people ever live. By keep electing the same people, who cannot accomplish anything, into office > >
Tiba, 20-Jul-08 9:26 pm
Dear Djakut, you stated the following "I never set foot in Haiti only because of the incompetence of the haitian governments and their "acolics". I beg to differ, and the real reason you don't set foot in Haiti is simply because you have no place to > >
Robertson, 21-Jul-08 12:03 pm
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