Haiti's debts amount to 1 Billion

Robertson says...

Please my Haitian brothers and sisters, reject, denounce, refute, and exterminate our evil relationship with the World Bank, FMI and USAID, for these organizations and institutions are evil, and induced a cancer in our society.

The World Bank, FMI and USAID are the direct culprits of Haiti's political and economical turmoil.

Let us declare War against these evil institutions and organizations.

Until we do, we'll remain their slaves, we'll have no national products, our agriculture will be non-existent, and our politicians will remain corrupted.

The topic is: probleme d'agriculture
This is a reply to Msg 9854
Posted by Robertson on July 18 2008 at 2:44 PM

Messages in this topic

Please my Haitian brothers and sisters, reject, denounce, refute, and exterminate our evil relationship with the World Bank, FMI and USAID, for these organizations and institutions are evil, and induced a cancer in our society. The World Bank, FMI an > >
Robertson, 18-Jul-08 2:44 pm
mon dieu mon dieu j'attend avec impatience un changement pour mon pays d'haiti c'est la honte pour nous les haitiens de voir aujourdhui que les pays grande puissance classe haiti parmi les pays le plus pauvre du monde,oh mes freres compatriote qui s > >
Antoine, 2-Aug-08 6:44 pm