Today's Haitian Protest.
Will Rosenberg says...
Haiti protestors demand return of Aristide
Port-au-Prince - Hundreds of protestors in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince demanded the return of former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
The crowd of mostly teenagers gathered Tuesday on the occasion of Aristide's 55th birthday and also urged the government of President Rene Preval to take strong measures against food price hikes.
Haiti's government fell in April after violent clashes over the government's food prices.
Preval failed to name a new prime minister, owing to fierce resistance by parliament.
The protestors met in front of the house of former Roman Catholic priest Aristide and moved towards the presidential palace, where the crowed was stopped by security forces using water cannons.
Witnesses said there was no violence.
Aristide was Haiti's president three times, in 1991, from 1994-96 and from 2001-04. He was overthrown in a 2004 rebellion and has since lived in South African exile.
Posted by Will Rosenberg on July 17 2008 at 10:30 PM