My Goal For A Future Haiti:
Will Rosenberg says...
By Wilgeens "AfroLatino" Rosenberg.
Am I to be part of or eventually desire perhaps there be a Haitian Armed Forces in Haiti one day?
Yes. Do I desire to become president of Haiti one day?
My asnwer is affirmatively, certainly and definitivelly NO, period.
By the way, my long term desired dream career is FILM and never to become Haiti's president this not one of my ambitions.
Rather my future goal for Haiti is to revitalize the Haitian Armed Forces if ever it will be or shall be re-established so that it becomes a well respective reputable Institution where young Haitian men and women can learn how to love and serve and respect their Country sot hat we do not have this many easy to manipulate corrupted politicians as we do today in Haiti's political arena.
As this new Haitian Armed Forces will be kept away from any political affiliations and will be only under the overall directive of the Country's Commander In Chief, its Generals and lastly the Country's Congressional Branch.
As also in addition, this improved Armed Forces will be used as an alternative means and tools for young Haitian men and women to get an education and future jobs in or outside this Armed Forces as this re-established Armed Forces will be more like a Corp De Genie and will be decentralized throughout the provincial Country sides of Haiti given that bases will be built in other regions of Haiti for training, schooling and Military Tactical Exercises that will instill pride, valor and integrity in those young men and women in adopting a true sense of civic duty and set of dignified codes and values.
This new Armed Forces I hope will be consisting of an ARMY, NAVY and possibly AIR FORCE if and when Haiti can or will be able to afford to. This Armed Forces will have other regional departmental sub-divisions that will be considered as something similar to the Reserves and National Guard that will be primarily be themselves under the directive of hopefully assigned Mayoral or Governors jurisdictions.
P.S: The only military Branches that would be left in Haiti would be first the Presidential and the Department Of Defense Concierge.
Second, a Sustainable Immediate or Intermediate Deployable Response Striking Team in the event of additional troops is needed to assist the Police Forces or in case of Emergencies such as natural disasters, border security patrol and so forth.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO READ: This draft is welcomed to suggestions, recommendations and ideas in favor or pertaining to this plan for a new Haitian Armed Forces in Haiti.
The topic is: More Replies For Your Dual Citizenship Questions.
This is a reply to Msg 9806
Posted by Will Rosenberg on July 17 2008 at 3:42 PM