The take over of Haiti

Linda says...

Hi Mike, it's good to see there are other people who are beginning to understand that what this government is doing is deliberate.

It is not that they don't have the knowledge or the resources to do what Haiti needs.

It is that they are setting Haiti up for a complete take over. They are going to make sure that the country is so destroyed that the poor population will be too happy when a foreign power takes over--specially if that foreign power is somehow define as connected to God and as liberating.

Have you guys seen the new embassy and the new hospital and major roadway that are attached to it. They have their own private airport out there.

Why do you think that a country that has been rated the poorest country in the western hemisphere would have the honor of getting such an incredible embassy.

Go to and take a look, and believe me the picture is not half as impressive as the real thing.

The topic is: RE: Electricity In Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 9670
Posted by Linda on July 14 2008 at 9:18 AM

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Hi Mike, it's good to see there are other people who are beginning to understand that what this government is doing is deliberate. It is not that they don't have the knowledge or the resources to do what Haiti needs. It is that they are setting Haiti > >
Linda, 14-Jul-08 9:18 am
There is a few ways to take over a country : militarily, financially, and culturally. The the great powers use different strategies to get to that point: the most repulsive strategy to me is the way they brought the country to its knees putting the > >
Zarien Krab Spider, 14-Jul-08 11:25 am
There is a few ways to take over a country : militarily, financially, and culturally. The the great powers use different strategies to get to that point: the most repulsive strategy to me is the way they brought the country to its knees putting the > >
Zarien Krab Spider, 14-Jul-08 11:25 am
Please let me clarify one thing in response to Linda's suggestion and contrary to Linda's impression that I am impersonating Rosemberg: Linda, let me reassure you that is not the case. The bottom line is the very same actors whom have oppressed and > >
Ti Rouge, 14-Jul-08 11:27 am
ce serait mieux pour le 90%c des haitiens. qu'est-ce qu'ils vont faire ces leaders, ces deputes, senateurs, ces presidents pour Haiti. De facon on va arriver la, Haiti est un pays ingouvernable, il doit etre sous protectorat. il y aura moins de cor > >
El Caribeno, 14-Jul-08 6:59 pm
I just get so tired listening and watching Haitians going blindly and ridiculously naive and unintouched with Haiti's reality. How can a simple and perhaps poor Haitian civilian go to Haiti and undetake big infrastructure project like electricity? > >
Tiba, 15-Jul-08 6:13 pm
Very clever I must say and indeed very important and valid points you have made. However, there are many other different projects that citizens and civilians can undertake that do not require the approval stamp of a Government. Such as, many pr > >
Will Rosenberg, 15-Jul-08 7:00 pm
For many of you who wish to know of what is going on in Haiti directly, here is a link to a very dear News Station I grew up with in my neighborhood while I was in Haiti long ago that is still fortunately functioning today in Haiti. The link is ht > >
Will Rosenberg, 15-Jul-08 7:19 pm
Will Rosenberg, My bad! very well said. I agree with you 250% there are many other things that we, Haitians, can engage ourselves of doing in Haiti Thomas, or better yet, Haiti quisqueya or bohio. > >
Tiba, 15-Jul-08 7:48 pm
Mr. Whalen, I just found your post today and would like to discuss your idea of wind turbine use in Haiti. Please contact me at witigo at Thanks! K R > >
K R, 30-Jul-09 9:20 am
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