Bingo! Professor you just supported my statement. You just
Professor you just supported my statement.
You just proved that incompetence and the mediocrity is indeed embeded in us, Haitians.
Your Ph.D student status is a real disgrace to all Ph.D students by proving the level of your ignorance.
You are so quick to brag about your level of education, as if I should be intimidated or impressed, you don't even seem to understand the meaning of incompetence and mediocrity.
I suggest that you check a dictionary next time before you open your mouth or start bragging about the level of your education.
Professor since you seem to have a limited knowledge about meanings and concepts, please understand that having a Ph.D, being a doctor, a lawyer, a rocket scientist, a brain surgeon, a dishwasher, or a carpenter, does not prevent anyone from being incompetent and mediocre.
Anyone can make all of these accomplishments in life and is still remained incompetent and mediocre.
Amongst a host list of criteria, competence requires that one has the "know-how" (le savoir faire), wisdom, listening skills, communication skills, a well understanding of the task/job, critical thinking ability, humility, the capacity to work well with others, and leadership skills.
Of course, being educated is important to survive especially in this global economy, but don't think you can govern a country, or run a corporation, just because you have a Ph.D.
And there are plenty of examples and evidence in the world proving my point.
The topic is: Haitians the most incompetent and mediocre people
This is a reply to Msg 9505
Posted by Tiba on July 6 2008 at 8:34 PM