i wonder when haiti will be really free

Haitien says...

bluff sou bluff.

bluffer alle bluffer tounin pep pa jam'm souce yon ti zon.
it is ashamed after 200 years of independance, people are eating dirt in haiti.

Posted by Haitien on July 3 2008 at 9:59 PM

Messages in this topic

duvalier = 1986-1957 = 29 years of BS after duvalier = 2008-1986 = 22 years of BS (22+29) years = 51 years of BS now, I understand why haitian poors recur to dirt so they can eat. I just want to know why haitian soils can't produce anymore? > >
John, 3-Jul-08 10:06 pm
Haiti will be free when every one Haitian start thinking like free people, when each and every Haiti stop thinking Haiti as a being that could change itself and start to realize they are all part of the possible solution instead or rather them expect > >
Will Rosenberg, 4-Jul-08 12:21 am
Well, let me tell you what I hear each and every single time a Haitian mention those past events: Excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, e > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 4-Jul-08 12:27 am
Since the inception of the Federal Reserve Bank which is by the way a private Multi-National corporation controlled by the Bilderberg group, the club of Rome and most notably Rothschild, Warburg, Lazard Freres, JP Morgan and Rockefeller, the stage ha > >
Ti Rouge, 5-Jul-08 3:37 pm