The government cannot change the constitution only the...

Tiba says...

The government cannot change the constitution only the parliament can change it.
What kind of moronic rational is that?

What's the difference between the government and the parliament?

Did you want to say the "president" cannot change the constitution, but only the parliament can make those changes?

You would make more sense by using these words.

I do agree the "president" cannot change, better yet, canno ammend the constitution, but the president can call for a constitutional ammendment allowing dual citizenships.

What's the difference between dual nationality and dual citizenship?

There is no difference, none whatsoever.

The both mean exactly the same freaken thing.

The topic is: Let's talk about Double Nationalite
This is a reply to Msg 3722
Posted by Tiba on July 3 2008 at 8:49 PM

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Hello, My friend, I visited your site, you've done yorue research. I did not notice specifics on Dual Citizenship, perhaps you can post the direct link. I was especially moved by these words, and I quote: "Please find me a 200-year-old indep > >
Citizen Palafoi, 3-Oct-07 5:46 pm
The government cannot change the constitution only the parliament can change it. What kind of moronic rational is that? What's the difference between the government and the parliament? Did you want to say the "president" cannot change the constit > >
Tiba, 3-Jul-08 8:49 pm
I support dual citizenship for Haitian all the way. it is funny that even Haiti politicians and presidential candidates will come to the diaspora to run their campaigns and do their fund raising but as soon as they make it to office they say to the > >
1 6 3 1, 3-Jul-08 9:18 pm
Tiba, it may seem stupid, but the Haitian constitution does make the difference bet. double nationality and double citizenship. But we have to remember that when those laws were written international travel was practically none existent and the bulk > >
Linda, 3-Jul-08 9:55 pm
Well, let me tell you what I hear each and every single time a Haitian mention those past events: Excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, e > >
Will Rosenberg, 4-Jul-08 12:30 am
I absoutely agree with you Linda. These incompetent leaders in Haiti will not grant double nationality to the "Diasporas" which has been exploited and called upon in time oftrouble.Granting dual citizenship will not only bring back educated and skill > >
Zarien Krab, 4-Jul-08 11:24 pm
Zarien, I made that same suggestion last year. I suggested that if the Haitian Diaspora started an international movement to simultaneously stop sending money to Haiti, the Haitian government would soon find itself under so much pressure from the peo > >
Linda, 5-Jul-08 4:19 pm
I understand the blogger's point. Stop sending money to Haiti will cause some people to suffer. Sure! But in the long run the entire country will benefit from it because lacks of revenues from the diaspora, no food transfer, and no travel to Haiti, w > >
Zarien Krab Spider, 5-Jul-08 7:25 pm
Linda, you are a happy negresse who has no thought process or self esteem whatsoever to suggest letting the Haitian suffer more. Now, you are drinking kool aid with plenty of Bic Macs, you seem to think that you are actually in paradise. > >
Ti Rouge, 5-Jul-08 7:36 pm
Where this Mother F. comes from? he can't read and analyze nothing. He needs to be ignored!cursed bastard! get lost > >
Doremi Fasol Lasido, 5-Jul-08 8:20 pm
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