Haitians the most incompetent and mediocre people

Tiba says...

Posted by Tiba on July 3 2008 at 8:33 PM

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If you think you were so good and so much better to pass judgement, why were you not a candidate to challenge him at the elections? Were you not qualified to even be considered as a candidate? Who do you think would make a better Haitian President? > >
Pierre Guillaume, 15-Aug-09 2:11 am
Pierre Guillaume You are not acustom to use members'names when you answer to messages, and therefore, that really makes it hard to know exactly who you are addressing. But I'm going on a lame here believing that you are answering to one of my mess > >
Tiba, 15-Aug-09 1:11 pm
You make an interesting point. By using only the election of our elected President Rene Preval as your unique illustration to support your argument, you also demonstrate why several of my Haitians brothers are “incompetent and mediocre people”. I > >
Ti-manno Charles Mindy, 12-Sep-09 3:01 pm
First of all, you need to learn how to spell. While I have no persoanl knowledge of the administration of Rene Peval he runs this blog so you can cut him down as a drunkard while forgetting U.S. President George Bush was a drunkard in his youth. At > >
Rkgs, 12-Sep-09 9:40 pm
ti-manno, I would like to know what your personal opinions about Obama are? You said, "Do you think the Americans will not elect President Barrack H. Obama again?" May i ask what's wrong with Americans re-electing Obama in 4 years again? > >
Zac, 13-Sep-09 3:18 pm
Just to clarify something for you, this site does not belong to Preval and I doubt he knows this site even exists. The person responsible for this site is called woodring St preux. Unfortunately, at first glance this site mislead people to think > >
Zac, 13-Sep-09 3:36 pm
If he didn't create it or have anything to do with it why is his picture at the top and the words "Rene Preval Blog" there? I have read where people posts he doesn't read it and this is not the way to reach him. I know that the way to reach the gov > >
Rkgs, 13-Sep-09 6:06 pm
Dude trust me I know what i'm talking about, Preval has nothing to do with this site. Of course you might be able to reach some Haitians through this site but Preval has nothing to do with this site. If you look by Preval's picture underneath the > >
Zac, 13-Sep-09 6:51 pm
O.K., I see the small print below the photo of Rene Preval Blog. I never said I expected to establish contact with the Haitian government at this site and even issued statement to that effect when someone addressed him at this site and I referred th > >
Rkgs, 13-Sep-09 8:33 pm
Mezanmi gen koze! Mister I don't know what you're talking about, but this sounds very dangerous. I'm going to cover my ears and pretend I never heard such a thing. From what I know except for maybe Cuba every inhabitants of the other islands in th > >
Zac, 14-Sep-09 3:47 am
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