Oh God, What a mess! We're in trouble! We have an alcoholic...

Zarien Krab Spider says...

Oh God, What a mess! We're in trouble! We have an alcoholic president, a lesbian, and atheist Prime Minister! Dear Jesus, deliver us from evil!

The topic is: the rejection of Robert Manuel
This is a reply to Msg 9387
Posted by Zarien Krab Spider on June 29 2008 at 3:40 AM

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Hi Djakut, I came back two weeks ago. I haven't heard from Flo, but I do miss sparring with her. However, some of the other intelligent bloggers, such as yourself, are still here and I'm enjoying exchanging ideas and opinions with them. Preval and h > >
Linda, 28-Jun-08 9:11 am
From: > > "Dadou Celestin" LE DOSSIER COMPLET DE MICHELE PIERRE LOUIS > par Dadou Celestin> > Michele Duvivier Pierre-Louis, que Rene Preval vient de> choisir comme Premier Ministre etait depuis longtemps sur> la liste de salut les copai > >
Djakut, 28-Jun-08 9:09 pm
Letter: American billionaire George Soros and Haitian politics Published on Saturday, June 28, 2008 Email To Friend Print Version Dear Sir: Her name is Michele Pierre-Louis and she has been the Executive Director of Fokal; part of George > >
Will Rosenberg, 29-Jun-08 12:39 am
MEZANMI, kOTE nou ye? Nou nan ka! Yon prezidan tafiateur, yon premie minis Madivineze, yon paleman inkompetan! O Jezu papa, delivre nous du mal! > >
Zarien Krab Spider, 29-Jun-08 3:35 am
Oh God, What a mess! We're in trouble! We have an alcoholic president, a lesbian, and atheist Prime Minister! Dear Jesus, deliver us from evil! > >
Zarien Krab Spider, 29-Jun-08 3:40 am
Hey Djakut, great article. Although it was somewhat bias, it did provide lots of information, and I finally know enough about this woman to make a rational decision about her suitability for the post. Below I've quoted the points that bothers me most > >
Linda, 29-Jun-08 3:47 pm
Si c'est vrai tous ce qu'on dit d'elle,qu'elle vienne et apporte un dementi sur le blog.Nous n'attendons que cela. > >
Garry Dupre, 30-Jun-08 4:18 pm
Koumanman sa'a gou!! Tonne boule'm li gou!!! neg ki fe recheche sa'a li bon. Mwin tap li nouvelliste lo mwin tande zin yan epi Google minim'm sou sit sa'a pou li zin sa'a. Bravo pou neg sa'a'. Bali bouldovaaa. Lis moun ki signin petition an se yon ba > >
Jcdbrl, 1-Jul-08 4:37 am
Welcome to the real world my friends. Since the inception of the Federal Reserve Bank which is by the way a private Multi-National corporation controlled by the Bilderberg group, the club of Rome and most notably Rothschild, Lazard Freres, JP Morga > >
Ti Rouge, 1-Jul-08 1:00 pm
Thanks for posting it Mr Will,now I have another idea of whom she might be.But to day I read on metropole Haiti that our famous writer Mr Franck Etienne is agree with the choice of Mrs Michele D. Pierre Louis as prime minister and stated that she > >
Garry Dupre, 2-Jul-08 7:03 pm
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