Leslie Manigat, this country is in deep trouble.The idea of...

Llyod says...

Leslie Manigat, this country is in deep trouble.The idea of having a prime minister came from the USA, it's a way to gain control of our government by forcing the elected President to choose a prime minister from the opposing party to create TENSION.USA has a president and a vp that come from the same political party with the same political views.It's time for us haitians to understand the game the powerful and rich countries of the world are playing with third world countries, they make you believe that you're helpless, they know our problems and they are willing to help. We have been with ZOIZO MECHAN since 1914,they have been stealing our natural ressources for almost 200 years, they claim to believe in democracy, all they do, is supporting Dictators around the world:Marcos, Saddam,Saudies kingdom, Baby Doc, Papa Doc, The white racist regine of South Africa, Israel Occupation of Palestine.The rich countries used their wealth to buy out corrupted"grangou"everywhere to do their dirty job.They would kidnap, kill or overthrow your democratically elected government officials to replace them with blood suckers, low life politicians that submit to them. We need a president that understand that he is a public servant working, not a king, not a "RESTEZ AVEC".We don't need a prime minister, we need a vice president that come fom the same political party with the elected president in case of emergency to hold the government together

The topic is: Le choix du premier ministre.
This is a reply to Msg 9293
Posted by Llyod on June 26 2008 at 9:47 AM

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My lack of support for this now female nominee is not even directly about her, but more so about the disgusted procedural corrupted bureaucratic way of the Haitian Chambers and Parliament incompetence of not trying to understand that the Country is > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 25-Jun-08 12:13 am
Indeed as I said and I stand firm on that, that you will find many if not most or all women will in fact throw their support behind her simply because she is a woman and go back to what I wrote when I said perhaps that might be just what Haiti > >
Will Rosenberg, 25-Jun-08 12:18 am
In fact, most living Haitians we have now are bunch of genetically filthy confused schmucks and I do not care who gets angry or what the exception may be and they have no sense of true National pride nor patriotism to even understand nor grasp what > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 25-Jun-08 12:26 am
By the way, I am not white, but indeed I am mixed of Dominican-Haitian-Jewish; I was born in Haiti thus considerably I am Haitian and love it perhaps more than you could ever remember or imagine you possibly could. What do you even know about > >
Will Rosenberg, 25-Jun-08 12:33 am
I have taken the liberty to break my posts to you in measly simply short paragraphs that perhaps you will not be lost and get too lazy to properly read them like before again. This time, go as you usually should... Slowwwwwly okay, you yeast infe > >
Will Rosenberg, 25-Jun-08 12:48 am
Leslie Manigat,this country is in deep trouble.The idea of having a prime minister came from the USA,it's a way to gain control of our government by forcing the elected President to choose a prime minister from the opposing party to create TENSION.US > >
Llyod, 26-Jun-08 9:47 am
I totally agree with this post, however I must try to pull away from the derogatory words in the context which was chosen to express this view, but nonetheless there is great amount of truth in what is said in it that are very justifiably the actual > >
Will Rosenberg, 26-Jun-08 3:37 pm
Tisk tisk William; you must be either bipolar or possess. You go into these demonic rants and rages on several posts, using words that only a gutter rat would use, and than all of a sudden you try to act normal. Only crazy people do that. Anyway, I d > >
Linda, 26-Jun-08 9:23 pm
Garry, someone else suggested Manigat. I respect Manigat and think he might be a good candidate. However, another blogger said that he might be too old and ill. I wanted to know how sick he is; after all McCain is old and sick and he is running for p > >
Linda, 26-Jun-08 9:44 pm
Hi Loyd, your post gave me food for thought. And actually you might be right about the concept of a US educated prime minister and the dangers in that. I thought all the words you use were intense but appropriate. Nowhere in your post did you show an > >
Linda, 26-Jun-08 9:58 pm
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