Saint Preux something is wrong we cannot post our videos for...

Lionnes says...

Saint Preux something is wrong we cannot post our videos for father's day. No need for us to hang around.

Can you please fix this problem.

See you soon. Asta la vista.

Got to visit other blogs.

See Ya.

The topic is: Woodring Saint Preux Something Wrong with Blog
This is a reply to Msg 9057
Posted by Lionnes on June 5 2008 at 2:14 PM

Messages in this topic

Woodring my main man it seems that we have been talking to you particularly for a long time. > >
Lionne, 5-Jun-08 1:09 pm
Saint Preux something is wrong we cannot post our videos for father's day. No need for us to hang around. Can you please fix this problem. See you soon. Asta la vista. Got to visit other blogs. See Ya. > >
Lionnes, 5-Jun-08 2:14 pm
Hello eveyrone, I am so glad you brough that to our attention. I appears that a recent update that prevents people from posting Extraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa longggggggggggggggggg wordssssssssssssssss is also preventing the videos from showing up. > >
Staf F Preval Haiti .com, 8-Jun-08 1:31 pm