Young Kareem death
Gerda Doreus says...
Hello Mr President, Rene Preval, hope all is well!
I am very upset about the death of Kareem Gaspard.
Is there anyway possible you can arrange to speak with the people about the importance of a human life?
I believe through education le Peuple finira par se respecter et s'aimer les uns les autres.
Maybe you can arrange with your administration small classes all over the country to teach them about love, tolerance and compassion.
It will look and sound silly at first but at the end, they will get the message.
I still believe we Haitians are not doomed for destruction.
We can teach peace and reconciation among us. Hope you will respond to my e-mail and promise to at least think about this suggestion.
Warm Wishes, Mr Preval, Gerda
Posted by Gerda Doreus on May 28 2008 at 12:35 PM