Like I said, I know Haiti has a lot of problem; but those...
Will Rosenberg says...
Like I said, I know Haiti has a lot of problem; but those problems are nothing that are beyond repair.
Entiende bien mi amigo, como la diaspora, hay tanto que podemos hacer por Haiti.
Entonces, vamos a empezar a hacerlo ya. Vamos a hacer menos POSTING en los blogs.
Because first the amelioration will start when we allow good politic into Haiti as well as better security, then the economy will bloom by supporting the Agricultural force, tourism and the youths.
By encouraging and empower them to take part or learn to take part in Haiti endeavors toward reform and to instill in them greater pride and love for Country so that they know the important of their civic duty to Haiti.
What do you want to do for Haiti?
What do you think you can do for Haiti?
What will you do for Haiti are the questions we need to ask ourselves that will put us in better position to be able to say tomorrow here is what I have done for Haiti.
Haiti will not change itself and there isno quick fix nor magic wand. Haiti will change once you and I start knowing that we have a steak in Haiti's future that even if you and me do not get to live to see it, but our kids will.
Nothing is ever lost, time has always been simply time and time is never late, people are. When we improve on quality of life and the living standard condition.
I know what I am doing, what I can and will do to help Haiti; can you say the same?
Let us say "We Are, We Can and We Will Do For Haiti So Tomorrow We Can AND Will Say We Have Done For Haiti and Still Doinf For Haiti"
The topic is: Haiti carte postal: it is too late
This is a reply to Msg 8652
Posted by Will Rosenberg on May 12 2008 at 6:20 PM