Anyways, in spite of the false criticisms and absurd...

Will Rosenberg says...

Anyways, in spite of the false criticisms and absurd accusations those ignorant imbecile Haitians who are playing small on here; I will show you a great video and aspect of Haiti that portrays both the beauty and poverty of the Country.

Poverty is not to be a guilt place on the head of the innocent Haitian peoole or people anywhere around the World.

For poverty is a human condition that has no boundaries and is not limited to the color of skins or pigmentation thus has noting to do with whether one is the darkest of shade not the lightest or a combination of both or more.

Here is a clip I went and research online for you and do remember to cross reference them with the other related clips.

Unlike the false misconception those Haitians have told you or written about on here that I do not love Haiti is totally untrue and as they lack the intellect to see where I stand nor do I expect them to understand.

For somebody who was not to love Haiti, I sure would not have any reason to commit myself to any Volunteer service and sacrifice my time to a Country I did not love or least share any kind of sympathy for. Had I not care, it would have been too easy to just simply not do anything at all and enjoy my time in other places of the World with each bonus I get from the military, my job and money saved and live it all all like I had no care in the World.

After all, it would have been my prerogative, would it not, had I chose to do so am I right?

As you can see, not a single one of them were able to answer a simple question that is pertaining to the betterment of Haiti.

As for me who cares greatly for Haiti, I would love nothing more to jump at every chance I would be given to answer such a question.

I know what I will do for my Country, I know what I have done for my Country and I sure know what I am doing for my Country.

Unfortunately the other ones on here cannot say the same.

I will not hide you the truth even if the truth held the negativism angles of what is bad in Haiti as well as I must tell you the truth of all the great positiveness that exists in Haiti, but also it is my job to allow you to determine between the two which one is the most apparent to you view to cast your own judgement as you are most entitled to and will not barn you from doing if so you were to choose to. At the beginning of this thread you have asked a quetion and I try best to answer it form both angles.

The good and the bad.

Amigo, conoce bien que me encanta Haiti, DR y de toda la Isla tanto.

He vivido en ambos lados y he visto los aspectos positivos y los negativos de ambas partes de este Isla. Separado, he visto su odio y resentimientos ambas naciones se han Sabes, sin embargo y sin duda por encima de todo, lo que es una hermosa Isla como la elegante belleza de Hispanola y su gente que entonces, tanto los Dominicanos y los Haitianos deben sentir afortunados.


From now on, they are all on IGNORE since they are a waste of my precious breath.

The topic is: Haiti carte postal: it is too late
This is a reply to Msg 8612
Posted by Will Rosenberg on May 12 2008 at 5:35 AM

Messages in this topic

Anyways, in spite of the false criticisms and absurd accusations those ignorant imbecile Haitians who are playing small on here; I will show you a great video and aspect of Haiti that portrays both the beau > >
Will Rosenberg, 12-May-08 5:35 am
je comprend que vous etes fataliste, car c'est trop tard pour Haiti, il ya trop de probmes a resourdre, Haiti esta perdido en un desierto de miserabilite, Haiti a perdu le nord, meme avec un G.P.S Haiti aura beaucoup de mal a retrouver son chemin, v > >
El Caribeno, 12-May-08 3:51 pm
Like I said, I know Haiti has a lot of problem; but those problems are nothing that are beyond repair. Entiende bien mi amigo, como la diaspora, hay tanto que podemos hacer por Haiti. Entonces, vamos a empezar a hacerlo ya. Vamos a hacer menos > >
Will Rosenberg, 12-May-08 6:20 pm