haiti is more safer than given credit for.

Will Rosenberg says...

Haiti's violent image is an outdated myth, insist UN peacekeepers
Reed Lindsay in Port-au-Prince
Posted by Wilgeens Rosenberg

The Observer,
Sunday May 11 2008

This article appeared in the Observer on Sunday May 11 2008 on p44 of the World news section.

It was last updated at 00:03 on May 11 2008.

It was recently named among the world's 10 most dangerous destinations, alongside Iraq and Somalia, by Forbes magazine, and the US government keeps a permanent warning against travelling there.

Diplomats, journalists and aid workers who do land on Haitian soil spend much of their time holed up in fortified hotels.

But now, according to new statistics from security experts and United Nations officials, Haiti is far less violent than many other Latin American countries.

'It's a big myth,' said Fred Blaise, of Haiti's UN peacekeeping force.

'Port-au-Prince is no more dangerous than any big city. You can go to New York and get pickpocketed or held at gunpoint.'

The UN says there were 487 homicides in Haiti last year, or about 5.6 per 100,000 people.

A joint UN-World Bank study put the Caribbean average at 30 per 100,000 in 2007, with Jamaica registering nearly nine times as many murders - 49 homicides per 100,000 people - as those recorded by the UN in Haiti.

In 2006 the neighbouring Dominican Republic had 23.6 homicides per 100,000, according to the Central American Observatory on Violence.

The United States had a murder rate of 5.7 per 100,000 in 2006, according to the US Department of Justice.

In light of comparison to this new found statistic, there is not a large amount of violence [in Haiti],' said General José Elito Carvalho Siqueira, the former commander of the UN military force.

'If you compare the levels of poverty with those of São Paulo or other cities, there is more violence there than here.'

Security improved markedly last year and kidnappings fell by nearly 70 per cent, as the UN wrested control of Port-au-Prince's battle-torn slums from armed groups.

President René Préval, elected in February 2006 with strong support from the poor, managed to mollify Haiti's political opposition and tiny elite.

Gunshots are now seldom heard in the city, and in the countryside violent crime has always been rare. Attacks on foreigners are rare and recent flights from Miami to the capital have been packed with Christian missionaries.

'If you compare Haiti to Iraq, to Afghanistan, to Rwanda, we don't even appear on the same scale,' said Patrick Elie, who heads a government commission studying the creation of a new security force.

'We've had a tumultuous history, that is true, one characterised by political instability,' he said. 'But except for the war to obtain our freedom from the French, Haiti has never known a level of violence comparable to that waged in Europe, in America and countries in Africa and Asia. Our country has been one of the least violent.'

Viva Rio, a violence reduction group from Brazil, found Haiti's armed groups more receptive than those in Rio de Janeiro's favelas.

For most Haitians, the pressing issue is rising food costs.

Rice prices have nearly doubled since September and tens of thousands took to the streets last month.

But after the President gave a televised address, the protests ended as quickly as they began.

'Our problem isn't violence,' said Yvner Meneide, a Port-au-Prince artisan.

'If we were violent, we would organise demonstrations every day, we would be destroying things.

But Haitian people are very moderate.

We might be hungry, but we are calm.'

Posted by Ellen at 5:08 PM
Reposted by Wilgeens Rosenberg

The topic is: sir how is haiti a latin country
This is a reply to Msg 8622
Posted by Will Rosenberg on May 12 2008 at 12:38 AM

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Haiti's violent image is an outdated myth, insist UN peacekeepers Reed Lindsay in Port-au-Prince Posted by Wilgeens Rosenberg The Observer, Sunday May 11 2008 This article appeared in the Observer on Sunday May 11 2008 on p44 of the World ne > >
Will Rosenberg, 12-May-08 12:38 am
Billy, here is another fact to present to these buffoons about all the Countries that are American Countries... That is a globe that shows North, Central and South America as all Americans. Canada: > >
Will Rosenberg, 15-May-08 11:49 am
i read your post with that haitian person.i live in europe and hispanic people and latin people are not the same my friend.real latin people are from spain italy france preotgal.and the real latin people are white lol.im guess ur some hispanic from u > >
Joel Loizeau, 6-Jan-09 4:59 pm
for information, haitians are LATINO. look at Domnicans they're mixed just like us. they have the same background as us. they look like us. we are made the latin americas, educate your self before you talk, i am taino and proud of it. you can't hide > >
Adam, 30-Mar-09 10:38 pm
Luis - You explained your reasons considering the caribbean as part of Latin American "There in caribbeans, but are consider latinos for a few reason. There mixed with native indians and spaniards, They speak spanish and they look like most peopl > >
Tiba, 31-Mar-09 6:56 am
Haitians currently use the ethnonym "Latin" rather than "latino" in terms of the origin of the spoken languages, French and Creole, in the academic arena. Notice how I use the terms: Latin country, not Latino. It is Very Important that someone make > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 2-Apr-09 3:04 pm
Sir how is haiti a latin country Haitians currently use the ethnonym "Latin" rather than "latino" in terms of the origin of the spoken languages, French and Creole, in the academic arena. Notice how I use the terms: Latin country, not Latino. > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 2-Apr-09 4:02 pm
The last time if you can check your history or went to school, you would know that Haiti is part of the Latin-American Countries (Organization) be it being Central and South Americas to include the Caribbean which is why Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti and > >
Afrolatino, 2-Apr-09 4:29 pm
Why do you want to know? > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 2-Apr-09 7:30 pm
afro, I now understand why you believe so much on what the white man is telling you. You have got to be kidding me if you believe "Wikipedia" is a reliable source of information. It is not for no reason colleges and universities do not use wikipe > >
Tiba, 2-Apr-09 8:48 pm
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