Haiti carte postal: it is too late

El Caribeno says...

it is too late, to see a change, may be we have to wait for about 25 years with out turmoil and internal conflict, How can change that?

we are too far and too late in our development, think about it when will Haiti have a niew face, how much money, what policy?

it not easy, it is too late. the situation in which Port-au-pronce is as a capita-city ! hannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
see those pictures,lenouvelliste.com/article.php?PubI..., what you see is not what call "bidonville" for Haiti, bidonville is 10 times worse.

from there you can imagine how it is a challenge for Haiti

Posted by El Caribeno on May 11 2008 at 12:09 PM

Messages in this topic

el Caribeno, We do not expect that the Infrastructure of Haiti will resemble the Infrastructure that of other advanced developed Countries and Haiti does not have to look like them. Standing tall buildings and congested skyscrapers does not mean > >
Will Rosenberg, 12-May-08 5:30 am
Anyways, in spite of the false criticisms and absurd accusations those ignorant imbecile Haitians who are playing small on here; I will show you a great video and aspect of Haiti that portrays both the beau > >
Will Rosenberg, 12-May-08 5:35 am
je comprend que vous etes fataliste, car c'est trop tard pour Haiti, il ya trop de probmes a resourdre, Haiti esta perdido en un desierto de miserabilite, Haiti a perdu le nord, meme avec un G.P.S Haiti aura beaucoup de mal a retrouver son chemin, v > >
El Caribeno, 12-May-08 3:51 pm
Like I said, I know Haiti has a lot of problem; but those problems are nothing that are beyond repair. Entiende bien mi amigo, como la diaspora, hay tanto que podemos hacer por Haiti. Entonces, vamos a empezar a hacerlo ya. Vamos a hacer menos > >
Will Rosenberg, 12-May-08 6:20 pm