Exactly, you are right Steeve and to add... Much of the South...

Hispanolanoyosoy says...

Exactly, you are right Steeve and to add...

Much of the South American Freedom would not have taken place had Haiti not provided its help to Simon Bolivar who later turned around and betrayed Haiti.

Unfortunately, Bolivar himslef was racist and held great resentment towards Haiti by having not invited Haiti to the very first American Free Nation Summit that took place at Panama in 1826 which have served as a stigmata on Haiti why most latin people still always fail or tend to forget putting Haiti's flag among the other Latin-American flags.

READ MORE DETAILS haiti-usa.org/index.php The other reason why due to the fact after Simon Bolivar had freed the Southern American latin Countries, he then sent his own sword to Petion stating that Petion would outshine the glory of Washington and of course the United States of America did not like this much and influenced Bolivar whom bowed to US pressure to not invite and recognize Haiti as one of the Free Latin-American States.

"Before he sailed again for Venezuela, on 10 April 1816, Bolivar tried to thank Petion.

Petion replied simply that the best thanks he could receive would be the liberation of every all slaves in the Spanish colonies.

And, on July 6, struck off by the liberator on his little press from Les Cayes, a decree by Bolivar...

proclaimed the abolition of slavery in Spanish America.

(Bolivar's decree did not stick.

It was 1846 before slavery finally ceased in Venezuela).


That is why Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela carries teh Haitian flag on their flag since the Venezuelan flag itself was made and created in Haiti in Jacmel which in part because of Venezuela that gives birth to the Columbian and Ecuadorian flag later on. Before Bolivar died, his wish was to have all his personal documents he has ever written to be burned and destroyed since most of the contents of his personal journal held great racist views and towards the first black nation and his personal beliefs of support for Slavery.

The topic is: sir how is haiti a latin country
This is a reply to Msg 8503
Posted by Hispanolanoyosoy on May 7 2008 at 3:19 PM

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Oh yeah by the way my wife is Colombian and I am Haitian. We were both born in the US and know the historical connection between the two countries. Before any other nation became free from European rule (following the US of course), Haiti freed its > >
Steve, 7-May-08 2:36 pm
Exactly, you are right Steeve and to add... Much of the South American Freedom would not have taken place had Haiti not provided its help to Simon Bolivar who later turned around and betrayed Haiti. Unfortunately, Bolivar himslef was racist and > >
Hispanolanoyosoy, 7-May-08 3:19 pm
that can be disputed...but that subject still does not make haitians a latino people..united states help kuwait n iraq become free countries..does that make those people americans..not by a long shot..dominican republic are different..they are latino > >
Latino, 7-May-08 6:58 pm
Haiti or Haitians are not latinos because they have helped those other nations, you stupid Idiot. They are "Afro-latinos given and granted the region where Haiti is locating at, the language (Yes, both French and Creole), the history itself. Ch > >
Hispanolanoyosoy, 8-May-08 12:54 am
well good luck with that theology...haitians are not latinos...don't you know your history..what were haitians even called before the word latino was made...latinos were called hispanics by united goverment..were hatians called hispanics before latin > >
Hatianpride, 8-May-08 1:28 am
Being Haitian only pinpoints you as to being from an Independent, precise and self sovereign Estate. Haitian is not a race since race usually is determined by the region that you are from. Much like you have Afircan-American but "La race noire" is t > >
Hispanolanoyosoy, 8-May-08 2:01 am
Latino is not a look or a physical appearance! It has nothing to do with skin color or anything of the sort! It pertains to language only! As for your absurd and ignorant statement declaring that "[Latino Caribbeans] look like most people in South Am > >
Billy, 8-May-08 2:04 am
your so off your theoly..language does not make you a latino..if the world only spoke chinese..would that makes us chinese..hell no..but why argue with you every premise you make is way off andwhen you are proven wrong you result in cussing...well le > >
Hatianpride, 8-May-08 2:20 am
so the french coin latin america..your an idiotic..you even know when latin america was even given to people of south, central and three caribbean island (cuba, dominican republic, puerto rico)..it was lil longer then a 2 decades ago..we were called > >
Latino, 8-May-08 2:31 am
FOR YOU TO COMPREHEND: or if reading is not your thing let us try visual World Fact Book Records On Ethnic/Race Categories: Data are presented in grouped form as follow > >
Hispanolanoyosoy, 8-May-08 2:42 am
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