Its always good to listen to what the other side have to say...
Lalione says...
Its always good to listen to what the other side have to say. IN this video people and parents of those who were returned to Haiti speak.
One of them thinks killing a few people in New Jersey was fun.
The topic is: Haiti : Gang-Infested Cite Soleil/Kidnapping News
This is a reply to Msg 8430
Posted by Lalione on May 3 2008 at 7:41 PM
Messages in this topic
Pre-emptive strikes means raids for guns and drugs. A surprise search once in a while will prevent the criminals from storing guns, drugs and diminish the kidnapping of innocent citizens who have nothing to do with gangs hooked on drugs or rejects cr > >
Lalione, 3-May-08 6:36 pm
Its always good to listen to what the other side have to say. IN this video people and parents of those who were returned to Haiti speak. One of them thinks killing a few people in New Jersey was fun. HAITI INTERDIT "Kitem Pale" > >
Lalione, 3-May-08 7:41 pm