Hispanolasoy, You are spamming my threads man. Anyway this is...

Hispanolanoyosoy says...


You are spamming my threads man. Anyway this is nothing but wishful thinking.

USA has taken almost all of Haiti's national territory with nothing in return.

What in the hell would make them want to have Haiti as a territory?

Please stop posting links man. It discredits you and depicts you as a fanatic.

From a fellow haitian to another fellow haitian like you, I can see that you are confused and dealing with a major identity issue.

Again this isn't to discredit your saga but you were born in Haiti and culturally haitian.

I can see you are passionate about your Hispaniola thing but I think you need some time off. As one of my favorite posters on DT stated.

If we(dominican & haitian) people have made it thru all this catastrophe one can clearly see that we are Gods children.

Ok, this is my version of Lautaro's eloquent finesse.

Sorry if I butchered it. Another note, I strong agree that haitians and dominicans must come to an accord and overcome past events to live a better future.

I have never seen a bunch of people stuck on history so much and never learn from it, dominicans and haitians alike.

I'm bitter to day and not up for reading non sense


Man take it easy....


Lol ha hahh!!! Perhaps you are right.

I post this not that I am a fanatic of it "if it were to happen" simply I want to know what would both Haiti and DR do. Not that I believe in it to be true or affirmatively possible, but also not impossible since it is quite feasible.

What would discredit me would be for me not putting any kind of referral links with my posts and assumably people would just claim them as speculations.

To say nonetheless or never that, I have done no kind or reading on the post being it a correct or incorrect of a post. speculation still they may be and I hope, but I post them in light of their alarming significance that good or bad I thought would resonate with both Haitians and Dominicans as worthy enough to bring to their attention given they both do not want to get along.

Yes indeed, I was born in Haiti which I never disclaim, rejected or denounced in terms of denying it that is; but I am a U.S citizen and to add once more my mother is Dominican.

So embracing all that I am, because I know and have come to accept; I am the one with an Identity crisis?

Well, okay then; sure...

I suppose I would have given you much of a reason to be weird had I embraced above all my Jewish part of me and been racist like most or hate and deny my Haitian or Dominican part of me. Then it would have been something of another matter to want to make other claims about me. Thus again, racial division prosper in the minds of both Haitians and Dominicans, the one pure trait they both have in common and may not come to deny if they both wanted to. They just can not help themselves with racism, no, they can not get enough of it since given to them both hate and racism is such a glamorous thing.

This is your thread, yes, however understand that you are not this site's moderator to dictate people where or what to post, when or where.

Thus the choice would be apparent to you as far as what you must do being on this site period.

That is the thing with both Dominicans and Haitians.

If a Haitian is part Dominican and embrace that, well Haitians just simply think he is a "wannabe" and that he or she is denying being Haitian leave alone if that someone were to have any other mix in them. As to Dominicans, if someone is or has any kind of Haitian mixture in them, Dominicans claim that he or she is not Dominican enough and views that someone as simply Haitian thus denying him or her any aspects that that person may very well be quite Dominicans and again leave alone if that someone were to have any other mix in them as well.

That Dessalineism and Trujilloism needs to stop, darn it!!! What is it with you both Islanders?

Just to inform you: The Island in general still has Gold as a natural resource among other resources.

Do you think the U.S would basically or practically still would be helping any Country in the World had there not been some kind of Interest of any kind for them to gain in it. The U.S is not that generous as Americans, otherwise they would have done ended suffering everywhere around the World already had that been the case and today they would still not want to have anything to do with Haiti or any other nations had there not been interest to at least potentially gain whether or not it had been DR, HAITI, AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST AND BEYOND...

Personal interests and profits had always been the case be it monetarily or merely just in symbolism or even for moral grounds.

That is the one thing most of us colored people do not seem to get about any European descents.

To have a hold on a Country or any thus make it become dependent of your mercy whatnot is to bring under your wings and control one more piece of Dominance like a puzzle coming clear to be pieced together.

Here is a little conspiracy theory trivial pop quiz for everyone.

Take a penny, a nickel, a dime and a quarter.

Flip them as you keep them in their order in or of value so that all the president heads are facing up. What do you see?

Yes, all the presidents on the silver coins are facing another direction from the copper colored penny which coincidentally happens to be Abe Lincoln.

Or maybe he is the one turning his back on them. What or whichever, point is this is the man who has finally enacted the abolition of slavery, yet he is on the lesser valuable currency of the U.S he of whom has some great meaning to a lot of people of Color, yes indeed, Blacks.

Now, let us for once and the benefit of the doubt that this was a printing error.

How long has it been since the penny that it has never been fixed or perhaps in symbolism it has a greater meaning unknown to us all.

In G.O.D We Trust: Perhaps it just may really truly mean simply that 'In God We Trust' or does that G.O.D actually represent the (Spain, France, Great Britain, Portugal which White U.S Americans are descendants of) European vice that they've held dear to their hearts all these year throughout history that are known to men and to be constant and present till this day which are.

GOLD: The past natural resource they were willing to steal and killed for.
OIL: The now present resource that they are stealing and killing for.
DOMINION: Which is the prime goal known to even biblical apocalyptic term that represent the beginning of the abyss, thus World Domination.

Or perhaps to every known Mason is what is worship as the GOOD OLD DEVIL.

Which bring us all to the "E PLURIBUS ENUM"factor and theory: "Until all Is One" Now, why to all Christian known faiths of the world who knows of the scripture of Revelation which states "When all Is One" means the prophecy coming of the Anti-Christ and the return of Christ would be apparent and be revealed to us.

Never question why such a quote is in Latin and not in English on the very currency an English speaking Country is using.

Of course latin being supposedly the LOST AND FORGOTTEN LANGUAGE since the Amaec.

Perhaps this would have been too alarming to the most religious based faiths who believe that there will be an end of the world given the prophecy of the Four Horse Men, the 666 sign of the beast theory.

Knowing all this or given that people, Christians or not of whom most do not understand Latin nowadays in this society as they used to in the past, had this quote been in plain English, who would have actually use the money here in the U.S and who are religiously of any Christian faiths?


The topic is: Haiti to become American Territory
This is a reply to Msg 7954
Posted by Hispanolanoyosoy on April 23 2008 at 1:19 PM

Messages in this topic

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McCain Argues for Troop Withdrawal from Haiti. No Oil and black people. Now look at Iraq, Lots of Oil and he is pushing for the mission in Iraq to go ahead full steam. As America's war in Iraq enters its sixth year, Sen. John McCain is hoping that hi > >
Lionne, 21-Apr-08 8:20 pm
People in case any of you would like to go read what is being discussed about/ on or of Haiti and its situation on Dominican blogs. Here is a link to one of the blog > >
Hispanolanoyosoy, 21-Apr-08 8:47 pm
Cette Nation Soeur, nous reproche de les avoir occupes pendant la presidence de Geffrard, mais ils ne savent pas ce qu'etaient les exigence de l'epoque pour nous les Haitiens. Nous avions ete obliges de le faire, car les Francais menacaient de reveni > >
Robert P Toussaint, 21-Apr-08 10:42 pm
I totally agree et T'as completement raisosn mon frere compatriote. OH THE DOUBLE STANDARD, THE HYPOCRISY Any Terms With Mc Cain, Surely Is Just Another Bush Term. By Wilgeens Rosenberg Does this vid > >
Will Rosenberg, 21-Apr-08 10:53 pm
You have to let go Bro,if you don't, it's another 206 years of misery. Who would like that. After all who cares? it is better to eat well, get educated, have children and die. > >
Zodevan, 22-Apr-08 11:50 pm
Give me a website of some kind where people can verify this speculation. I doubt it that they will allow Haitians to fly without even at least a passport or some kind of seal of approval from the Embassy or even Customs of some sort. Already the U. > >
Will Rosenberg, 23-Apr-08 2:42 am
No wonder the news you referred to was dated April 1st! Whoever believed in it is a bigger fool than you are. > >
Max Johnson Fgb, 23-Apr-08 8:41 am
Hispanolasoy, You are spamming my threads man. Anyway this is nothing but wishful thinking. USA has taken almost all of Haiti's national territory with nothing in return. What in the hell would make them want to have Haiti as a territory? Pl > >
Hispanolanoyosoy, 23-Apr-08 1:19 pm
I did not bother to reply to this post because it was too preposterous. I thought that either the current Preval administration wanted to hear people's opinions on that subject or someone from the Haitian Internet who seem to be "many people" if you > >
Lalionne, 23-Apr-08 4:45 pm
Can someone refer me to an official government website (congress), where this information can be verified. Haitians in my opinion are very anti-American, history has shown that Haitians are very territorial and would not have Americans lording over t > >
Frito Simeon, 5-Dec-08 10:16 am
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