Cette Nation Soeur, nous reproche de les avoir occupes pendant...

Robert P Toussaint says...

Cette Nation Soeur, nous reproche de les avoir occupes pendant la presidence de Geffrard, mais ils ne savent pas ce qu'etaient les exigence de l'epoque pour nous les Haitiens.

Nous avions ete obliges de le faire, car les Francais menacaient de revenir, et utiliser la Dominicanie pour y parvenir jusqu'a nous. La decision de l'epoque etait d'occuper l'ile entiere.

nouvement strategique pour assurer la securite et survie de cette jeune nation.

Eh bien! les US voudraient faire de nous un de leurs etats?

Moi je leur dis BACK OFF.

Ils ont essayer en plusieurs fois, mais se rendent compte que ceci n'est pas applicable avec les Haitiens.

Haiti n'est pas a vendre ou a preter.

Ils savent que nous avons des tonnes de ressources non utiliser, ils veulent nous annexer pour pouvoir favoriser ces exploitation et nous donner une apparence de developpement.

Notre developpement se fera a notre facon.

Au nom de nos freres qui sont tombes sous la mitraille des troupes Francaises pour nous creeer ce coin de terre, nous dirons toujours NON a toute forme d'annexion ou d'occupation.

Il est temps de remettre sur peids l'Armee Haitienne gardienne du territoire.


The topic is: Haiti to become American Territory
This is a reply to Msg 7976
Posted by Robert P Toussaint on April 21 2008 at 10:42 PM

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McCain Argues for Troop Withdrawal from Haiti. No Oil and black people. Now look at Iraq, Lots of Oil and he is pushing for the mission in Iraq to go ahead full steam. As America's war in Iraq enters its sixth year, Sen. John McCain is hoping that hi > >
Lionne, 21-Apr-08 8:20 pm
People in case any of you would like to go read what is being discussed about/ on or of Haiti and its situation on Dominican blogs. Here is a link to one of the blog > >
Hispanolanoyosoy, 21-Apr-08 8:47 pm
Cette Nation Soeur, nous reproche de les avoir occupes pendant la presidence de Geffrard, mais ils ne savent pas ce qu'etaient les exigence de l'epoque pour nous les Haitiens. Nous avions ete obliges de le faire, car les Francais menacaient de reveni > >
Robert P Toussaint, 21-Apr-08 10:42 pm
I totally agree et T'as completement raisosn mon frere compatriote. OH THE DOUBLE STANDARD, THE HYPOCRISY Any Terms With Mc Cain, Surely Is Just Another Bush Term. By Wilgeens Rosenberg Does this vid > >
Will Rosenberg, 21-Apr-08 10:53 pm
You have to let go Bro,if you don't, it's another 206 years of misery. Who would like that. After all who cares? it is better to eat well, get educated, have children and die. > >
Zodevan, 22-Apr-08 11:50 pm
Give me a website of some kind where people can verify this speculation. I doubt it that they will allow Haitians to fly without even at least a passport or some kind of seal of approval from the Embassy or even Customs of some sort. Already the U. > >
Will Rosenberg, 23-Apr-08 2:42 am
No wonder the news you referred to was dated April 1st! Whoever believed in it is a bigger fool than you are. > >
Max Johnson Fgb, 23-Apr-08 8:41 am
Hispanolasoy, You are spamming my threads man. Anyway this is nothing but wishful thinking. USA has taken almost all of Haiti's national territory with nothing in return. What in the hell would make them want to have Haiti as a territory? Pl > >
Hispanolanoyosoy, 23-Apr-08 1:19 pm
I did not bother to reply to this post because it was too preposterous. I thought that either the current Preval administration wanted to hear people's opinions on that subject or someone from the Haitian Internet who seem to be "many people" if you > >
Lalionne, 23-Apr-08 4:45 pm
Can someone refer me to an official government website (congress), where this information can be verified. Haitians in my opinion are very anti-American, history has shown that Haitians are very territorial and would not have Americans lording over t > >
Frito Simeon, 5-Dec-08 10:16 am
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