Let's be Part of the Solution
Vansky1804 says...
I once strongly supported Mr Preval but like most of you I have become critical of him and the situation in Haiti.
I am not sure whether it is fair to hold Mr. Preval alone responsible for the worsening situation in Haiti, after all we are Haitian too and what have we done to help the situation.
I take the time to read this blog every other day expecting to read something constructive about Haiti but all I read is beckering and hates.
Now let me ask all of you a question:"where are the serious Haitians." By this I mean the Haitians who really love the country and want to see a better future for Haiti.
I see that we are still the same selfish people, and all we are doing is promoting our own agenda.
The worse things that I read here is the profanity and the bragging.
Let's be serious for a moment, if you are so smart it is not the time for bragging and insane rivalry, it is time to step up and be part of the solution because "HAITY NEEDS YOU." I don't mean to target anyone in particular and I should mention for the record that I don't see defferences in opinion as an evil thing.
I just think as Hatian we already inherited a bad situation that won't get any better if we spend our time bringing one another down. I would really appreciate it if in the future I read some real suggestions to our problems and please if you don't mind share your plan for Haiti.
Haitian living abroad that live a better life than those back home should have a plan to help Haiti.
Your plan does not have to be a big one, as long as it directly reasches one Haitian back home and makes his or her life better, it is good enough.
I do not want sound like I am the most righteous Haitian but I do have a personal plan that involve my mother country and I will share it with you. I am a young Haitian who left Haiti due to unfavorable situation after my first trimester in Philo.
Six years later, I can honestly tell you that almost everything that I accomplished during this period is centered toward returning to Haiti and get involed in Humanitarian efforts.
I will certainly share much more about my plans for Haiti in the future but in the mid-time I give credit to those who already wrote some inpiring comments on Haiti and I await inpatiently to read more.
We are the Nation, we are brothers and sisters!
Posted by Vansky1804 on November 30 2006 at 11:58 PM