Lionne you are getting a little radical dear. Don't forget you...
Claudy says...
Lionne you are getting a little radical dear. Don't forget you benefit from the US economy, although I sympathize with Haiti immensely, but come to think of it there is nothing that Haiti has done for me or for you. Those elders should know what they are doing and if they are corrupt and dancing to the American tunes then that's their fallacy.
So far the Haitian people are the ones paying for their failed policies, but they will pay someday.
History will judge them. Let the big boys play and fool each other.
Relax, Rethink, Redirect.
They have access to the internet.
They should do their homework on the Americans CIA world bank, Europeans bad habits of raping other people's countries.
Do they really believe that those predominantly white government are nice, fair, and noble all of a sudden, just because they received a few crumbs from them. There are reasons for such largesses, like huge concessions like you said from petroleum, gold, or other resources and above all to keep the predominantly black Haitian citizens out of their country.
If they are returning little boys and girls you know something is not quite right with their immigrations policies.
The topic is: How to fix Haiti in 90 days
This is a reply to Msg 7182
Posted by Claudy on April 2 2008 at 4:47 PM