22 entries about the haiti latin or caribbean

It seems to me you keep flooding the blog with 70% Garbage and 30% substance.

You seem to quantify the same thing over and over. Will you get THE HELL OFF THE BLOG WITH THAT CRAP. TRY TO CONTRIBUTE SOMETHING SUBSTANTIVE TO THIS BLOG NEWS politics, agriculture, farming methods ANYTHING INSTEAD OF YOUR LONG BOUHAHA.

GET THE HELL OFF! or you will have me to contend with mister hispaniosoy, rosenberg luis and everything else. You make me Sick "RT" you are so annoying.

You probably do not have any friends or a hobby.

Go get laid. Or masturbate.

The topic is: sir how is haiti a latin country
This is a reply to Msg 7101
Posted by La Lionne on March 31 2008 at 6:48 PM