So your saying before we name ourselves latino, haitian were...
Luis says...
So your saying before we name ourselves latino, haitian were hispanic also, so are haitin also americans because you say there in latin america, because latinos are also americans, ok now i know your smoking crack.
the word latino just came into existing because we didn't want to be label as hispanics by the united state goverment, we name ourselve latino just few decades ago, the name change not the people.
so what were haitian consider before the word latino came into play, were they consider hispanic, because your not, anyone can learn spanish, french, italian, portuguese, that doesnt make you latino.
your right we are not gonna go back and forth.
there two side to this story.
are you really dying to be called latino.
You can show me all links to say your point of view of how haiti is latino, I can give you links to how haiti is not latino.
go to a spaniard, portuguese and french and tell them that they are latino because they speak latin language, see if they don't laught in your face, then tell them your haitian and your latino, see if they dont laught in your face. trust me it can go back and forth with evidence.
yeah how funny that no latin country thinks haiti as latino only some haitian trying to join the cool culture right now. just cause your next to dominican republic, you guys wanna latinos, united states is next to mexico, are they a latin country is not even taught as a latin country in the americas.
what does ecuador flag has to do with haiti, united states invaded haiti, now haitian are american too. what does one thing has to do with another.
puerto rico is a distric of united states, puerto rican flag resemble that of united states, so i guess puerto ricans are european now. ecuador are haitian because of the flag. i see clearly now. if you want to think yourself as latino, good luck with that. see how many true latinos see when you tell them your latino.
afro-latinos have diverse looks then there african american counterparts and africans, haitians look more african then afro-latinos.
i'm not denying there latino with african mixed blood, but haiti is not one of them. Dominican republic, cuba, puerto rico are and not only because they speak spanish as you suggest.
there more to latinos then just speaking spanish, look at brazil they speak portuguese but yet there in south america, hence there in south america.
Do you even know the defenition of a latino is. People from south america, central america and three island cuba, puerto rico, dominican republic.
tell me who will latin countries will side with if dominican republic will go to war with haiti, which is inevitable.
I though so. dominican republic is our borther country not haiti.
haiti are not afro latino, there afro-africans.
might as well. they speak creolle for one thing not french.
So i guess since i learn to speak chinese, now i'm
latin america is interchangeable with south america.
To be a latino you have to be born from south america or central americal or had one parent who is, also cuba, domincan republic and puerto rico are three small island in the caribbean and not in south america, but there latino because there mix with spaniard and mative, thats why they look most like south and central americans.
No latin country ever name haiti a latin country only united states thought that because they like to classified anyone as they wish.
So you might want to change your history before you make bold statements.
one drop rule in united states makes anyone with black blood an african american.
also speaking a latin language does not make you latino.
Theres many latinos born to latino parents in united states who do not speak spanish only english, and english is not a romance language.
but i seen only people that want to push haitians as latino as haiti because they want to be part of the cool culture.
you can called yourself latino if you want, but i will called you what are you other then confused.
well good luck, is a free world, you can think as yourself as you want
The topic is: sir how is haiti a latin country
This is a reply to Msg 7095
Posted by Luis on March 31 2008 at 5:45 PM