Take an extra 2 minutes to add the accents to your French...
Lionne says...
Take an extra 2 minutes to add the accents to your French posts a lot of people are making the same mistakes on this blog the accents are implied and thats wrong.
Save a few ê, à, é, ç, ï, on a file, that way you can used them every time you wish to post something in the French language.
Prenez deux minutes supplémentaires pour ajouter les accents à vos postes en Français. Plusieurs gens font les mêmes erreurs sur ce forum les accents sont impliqués. Sauvez quelques ê, à, é, ç, ï.
sur un fichier, vous pouvez les a utilisés chaque fois vous voulez poster quelque chose en français.
The topic is: Haïti : Double Nationalité Par Malbranche
This is a reply to Msg 7072
Posted by Lionne on March 31 2008 at 12:36 PM
Messages in this topic
Take an extra 2 minutes to add the accents to your French posts a lot of people are making the same mistakes on this blog the accents are implied and thats wrong. Save a few e, a, e, c, i, on a file, that way you can used them every time you wi > >
Lionne, 31-Mar-08 12:36 pm