sir how is haiti a latin country

Luis says...

Posted by Luis on March 30 2008 at 1:06 AM

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As you know Linda I'm currently reading "the black jacobins" the book that you suggested. In the book James graphically details the way slaves were treated. The restavec situation is cruel but I agree that it doesn't come as close to the cruel abus > >
Zac, 19-Aug-09 11:31 pm
Zac, I think white Americans like to say that the restavecs in Haiti are slaves for the same reason that they've done everything in the past 200 years: to bring Haiti to its knee. They want Haiti to pay for being the first black nation to challenge w > >
Linda, 20-Aug-09 6:48 pm
Hi Linda, regarding my school choices, as I said I have a cousin who goes to Georgia Tech I have visited him on campus twice. The school is in Atlanta, the last time I was there I spoke to one of the admission counselors, she said I would be a good f > >
Zac, 21-Aug-09 12:53 am
Being a latin country does not have anything to do with geographical location. A country is considered latin if the language spoken by its inhabitants derive from Latin. French is spoken in Haiti, and French derives from Latin, that is the reason why > >
Price Jean, 21-Aug-09 1:36 pm
Listen "proud Dominican". I only wish I could convince you to educate yourself. > >
Price Jean, 21-Aug-09 1:47 pm
Tous les pays qui ont ete colononises par des pays latins deviennent automatiquement des pays latins aussi.C'est dans cet optique que Mr Will a raison,ceux qui refusent de l'admettre font tout simplement preuve de manque de comprehension envers leurs > >
Garry Dupre, 22-Aug-09 1:46 pm
NO! No! Mr. Dupri. It is not just countries which were colonised by Latin countries that are now considered part of Latin America; it is all countries whose language have Latin at their roots, hence, what we usually refer to as the romance languages. > >
Linda, 22-Aug-09 10:23 pm
After reading what you wrote to me I've realized that you didn't really understand me.What you said to me is just what I have said.Haiti became a latin country for the simple reason that it has been colonised by several latin countries such as Spain > >
Garry Dupre, 23-Aug-09 7:58 pm
Hey Lovely Sister I would love to hear from you and it does not have to be the same topic. Peace and Love Ciao Bella > >
Robert Alexandre, 31-Aug-09 11:04 am
Robert; I check the site periodically to see what is going on. However, I don't address any of the issues because I've have already done so so many times that I am tired of it. I will keep checking in to see if anything is new, but I have spent too m > >
Linda, 31-Aug-09 9:51 pm
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