Can of worms are open at times to expose parsites.

Wilgeens Rosenberg says...

My point exactly.

That is why I am agnostic when it comes to any faiths even on the verge on Athiesm, although not quite, just plain agnostic for now. You would think that I went to an all Catholic school and even was an altar boy as I was forced to wear my all white on Sundays and attend many bible studies, not to mention my father who is a Jew and I have been to my fair share of Synagogues.

My family could not have been so diverese when it co mes to religion.

From muslims, Jewish, catholic and yes, even vodou.

Thus with or without research I would agree with you nonetheleast, not less, least that indeed the bible is a publication of man made inspiration that they are claiming to be the words of GOD. So by this notion, why is it hard and impossible for you to believe that Africans have not sold their own people to slavery and it was all fabricated given researches asking for better plausible evidence of that accusation.

At last to come to the conclusion that, once again you may think that such an accusation have nothing to do with HAITI, but it does. Simply because HAITIANS will not learn to live with and love each other as long as this accusation still stands in their mentality that "Depi nan ginen neg ap trayi neg."

The topic is: AFRICA NEVER SOLD ITS OWN: All White Men lies.
This is a reply to Msg 6349
Posted by Wilgeens Rosenberg on February 24 2008 at 5:28 PM

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I think there is a good dose of truth to it. We were caught and sold by our brothers. Look what happen in Rwanda, Nigeria, Congo, Burundi etc... Ethnic cleansing between HUTU and Tutsi:.In Burundi, a campaign of genocide was conducted against Tutsi > >
Zandolit, 21-Feb-08 9:02 am
Because it had already amde to believe that it was so based on false notions that exist in Africa that many tribal rivals werein conflict with one another, the level of unrests, crime amongs Africans have had already begin to justify the possibility > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 21-Feb-08 5:04 pm
OKay let us Recap on what you have said: "We were caught and sold by our brothers." To be caught, we would have to have been running from something, thus what was that something we were running from? "Ethnic Cleansing: In Rwanda, Nigeria, > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 21-Feb-08 6:20 pm
Mon ami depi nan Ginen neg ap trayi neg. period. this should be the end of this discussion In your mind the possibility to be caught and sold by a brother is non existent! this is a non sens discussion; there is better topics for good discussion, and > >
Zandolit, 22-Feb-08 10:30 am
What's good that may come out of this is: The change of mindset of many colored men, women who for years have looked at their skin color as being inferior thus weakened them to ever want to empower themselves to be the better and greater of themselv > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 22-Feb-08 4:21 pm
The Jews or let say the zionists have been exterminating the Arabs in their own land for decades.They have engaged in a divide and conquer strategy between the Christians in Lebanon and the Muslims. Never mind that Hitler had tried to exterminate the > >
Luc, 22-Feb-08 5:53 pm
If you are questioning my background to implicate anything by looking at my name which is Jewish. Then you must know that, yes I am Dominican-Haitian-Jewish whose intent, mission and views, are directed toward change, peace and reconcilliation as w > >
Rosenberg Wilgeens, 23-Feb-08 5:37 pm
Rosenberg let us be friends and not start a religious war nor open very old cans of worms on this blog. There are millions of people who would disagree with you concerning the original inhabitants of Palestine now Israel. None of that has anything to > >
Luc, 23-Feb-08 7:11 pm
My point exactly. That is why I am agnostic when it comes to any faiths even on the verge on Athiesm, although not quite, just plain agnostic for now. You would think that I went to an all Catholic school and even was an altar boy as I was forced t > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 24-Feb-08 5:28 pm
I would love to believe this, but the facts have been shown that africans were never powerless against the white man. They sold their brothers and sisters for more power. Black people were not even economically viable as a workforce for a long time s > >
Blackandproud, 9-Dec-10 3:56 pm
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