Hello Linda, je ne vois pas pouquoi tu perds ton temps avec...

Soufnantiou says...

Hello Linda, je ne vois pas pouquoi tu perds ton temps avec ces nanas la. Ils charrient maintenant, pas question de rigoler avec eux. ILs ont du culot, ils sont pres a bousiller.

Ils sont chanceux aujourd'hui parce que je suis de bon poil. Autrement je les aurais dit ce que Cassagnol a dit au boeuf.

The topic is: What do you think of the Lionnes?
This is a reply to Msg 6221
Posted by Soufnantiou on February 18 2008 at 8:31 PM

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I second RPT's position. We already have our own resident evil call Unknown, we don't need anymore negative or insane behavior. If you have a personal issue with the Lionnes, this is not the place to resolve it. Please please let the dialogue about H > >
Linda, 17-Feb-08 3:02 pm
This is your second warning Linda. Back off. There will not be a third warning. What are you good for anyway? To be someone's old discarded mistress. The nappy Ho when the cafe au lait wife is pregnant. I do not understand L2 friendship as far as you > >
Lionne Nunber One, 18-Feb-08 3:09 pm
Perhaps you should look at my post again. I actually told the other blogger who posted something nasty about you that they should not be posting such things on this site. I believe you should be thanking me. I do not understand your response??? Are y > >
Linda, 18-Feb-08 6:28 pm
Lionnes number one; This was my original reply to you. Perhaps you should look at my post again. I actually told the other blogger who posted something nasty about you that they should not be posting such things on this site. I believe you sho > >
Linda, 18-Feb-08 6:53 pm
C'est toi la Lesbienne, l'homosexuel, une inadapte de la nature. Espece de putain, prostituee. Avec ta langue de viperes. Tu es vexe parce que nous refusons de voter pour cette fille grasse avec une grande perruque blonde. Ce n'est pas notre type > >
Lionne Nunber One, 18-Feb-08 7:27 pm
J'abolis litteralement ton ruse,et je te dis d' aller baiser nos culs. Mille merdes pour toi.A bientot Linda la menteuse.Soyez Prete! > >
Lionne Number One, 18-Feb-08 7:55 pm
We all have Dessaline Blood. So chill out. Whatever happened to the anger management skills you ladies posted. Try practicing what you preached. Lionne one, I am not answering my telephone. I am disappointed by your behavior on the internet. Here is > >
Claudy, 18-Feb-08 8:15 pm
Hello Linda, je ne vois pas pouquoi tu perds ton temps avec ces nanas la. Ils charrient maintenant, pas question de rigoler avec eux. ILs ont du culot, ils sont pres a bousiller. Ils sont chanceux aujourd'hui parce que je suis de bon poil. Autrement > >
Soufnantiou, 18-Feb-08 8:31 pm
Your Honorable: Rene Preval, It is my firm and distinctive belief to say a country with no Armed Forces is no Country at all. As said such, many men and women will grow up no knowing or earn up a true sense of Patriotism and sacrifice and re > >
Rosenberg Wilgeens, 18-Feb-08 8:55 pm
Your Honorable: Rene Preval, It is my firm and distinctive belief to say a country with no Armed Forces is no Country at all. As said such, many men and women will grow up no knowing or earn up a true sense of Patriotism and sacrifice and re > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 18-Feb-08 9:05 pm
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