What do you think of the Lionnes?
Selondieu says...
Posted by Selondieu on February 17 2008 at 3:01 AM
Messages in this topic
Your Honorable: Rene Preval, It is my firm and distinctive belief to say a country with no Armed Forces is no Country at all. As said such, many men and women will grow up no knowing or earn up a true sense of Patriotism and sacrifice and re > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 18-Feb-08 9:05 pm
Did you used a translator Soufnantiou alias Gros Morne alias Djakout because they would all be "Elles". Do not get involve in women cat fights man. Why should anyone on this blog call them "madivinez" in the first place, when they have been taking ti > >
Claudy, 18-Feb-08 9:06 pm
Rosenberg why are you posting the same thing so many times? Give people a chance to read it and reply to you. If you only want the president to read it post early in the morning not at night.I do like some of your comments. Keep up the good work. > >
Claude, 18-Feb-08 9:13 pm
Dessaline vit en toi et moi.We all have Dessaline Blood. So chill out. Whatever happened to the anger management skills you ladies posted. Try practicing what you preached. Everybody need to chill out. Share the stage. Be polite. Do not dish it out > >
Claudy, 18-Feb-08 9:28 pm
MERDE LINDA.J'abolis litteralement ton ruse,et je te dis d' aller baiser nos culs. Mille merdes pour toi.A bientot Linda la menteuse.Soyez Prete! Posted by Lionne Number One on 2/18/08 7:55 PM > >
Reposted, 18-Feb-08 9:42 pm
C'est toi la Lesbienne, l'homosexuel, une inadapte de la nature. Espece de putain, prostituee. Avec ta langue de viperes. Tu es vexe parce que nous refusons de voter pour cette fille grasse avec une grande perruque blonde.Ce n'est pas notre type d'u > >
Reposted, 18-Feb-08 9:47 pm
I forgot this blog was your job and your raison d'etre. I am sure you will come back under a multitude of other names, if not zopo,Joachin,Jocelyne, Zopovin or whatever the hell you wish to call yourself in the future. How many times do you actually > >
Lionne Number One, 18-Feb-08 10:18 pm
Bonjour a Tous: We Apologize to everyone who frequent this blog for the vehemence of the previous repartees. The animosity was virulent on both sides. One of our members was responding to a series of attacks upon us lately from apparently the same in > >
Lionne Club, 19-Feb-08 12:16 pm