That fat girl with that big wigg, thats your idea of pretty...

Nadia says...

That fat girl with that big wigg, thats your idea of pretty?

Her voice is OK but she needs to loose some weight and get a more natural looking weave in case she does not have any of her own hair if she really wants to make it in the entertainment business.

There are millions of talented people out there she has a pleasant looking face thats a plus but she definitely needs to work on her body and the clothes that she wears on national television.

The topic is: A Haitian on American Idol
This is a reply to Msg 6097
Posted by Nadia on February 11 2008 at 2:05 PM

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She is very pretty. Her parents did a good job, she has a certain charisma that that is very charming. I must say that her voice is different and unique I expected a "church soulful" sound and instead heard a pure inncocent sound that was very pleas > >
Sabrina, 10-Feb-08 3:25 pm
That fat girl with that big wigg, thats your idea of pretty? Her voice is OK but she needs to loose some weight and get a more natural looking weave in case she does not have any of her own hair if she really wants to make it in the entertainment bus > >
Nadia, 11-Feb-08 2:05 pm
Were you suggesting that we all vote for her BECAUSE she is Haitian? Why do you feel that we should support her ONLY because she is an Haitian? They did not mentioned that fact on television, She claimed to be from New Jersey. I am not speaking for > >
One Lionne, 11-Feb-08 4:12 pm
You haitian people should be ashamed of yourselves. Your reactions to Joanne Borgella are not just or patriotic. For the first time a haitian girl is on American Idol instead of supporting, you, "Lionel" and "Nadia" want to bring her down. Its people > >
Fabrize, 11-Feb-08 5:23 pm
We did not hear Bogella sing much yet, and her choice of song was clearly inappropriate. I think her face is pretty myself. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. That big wig is a sure indication of a "Tete Krote" what was that joke again? "she was > >
Lionne, 11-Feb-08 9:32 pm
Who do you think you are talking all this trash to? Are you from URANUS or something. We eat Luigen boje for breakfast around here.Mind your manners. Read your post again "intatade". > >
Lionne, 11-Feb-08 9:39 pm
It is so sad how you can sit behind your computer in the comfort of your home and be so negative toward a fellow Haitian American trying to chase her dreams. Constructive criticsm is important and I am a very big advocate, but trying to intentionally > >
Nancy, 11-Feb-08 9:57 pm
Nous ne connaissons pas Nadia mais Les lionnes ont repondu l'un des postes. Tu souffre du retardement ma chere. Pourquoi nous ecrire de telle sottises,juste parce que nous ne sommes pas d'accord avec toi. Va t'assoir quelque part. Tu ne veux pas jo > >
La Lionne, 11-Feb-08 10:15 pm
You both sound the same. You are clearly trying out our patience and we have to physically restrained Lionne2 to get her fingers off that computer. Good night. WE HAVE PLACES TO GO, PEOPLE TO SEE AND THINGS TO DO. Go get laid somewhere, Peut-etre tu > >
Les Lionnes, 11-Feb-08 10:27 pm
Is Lionne french for lioness? I heard in the wild female lions are the ones that go hunting. Do you hunt in pack? If that is the case go back to your wild kingdom and let the civilized people alone. growwwww!!!! Cafe au lait big deal! Do you have a > >
Tete Languette, 11-Feb-08 11:08 pm
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