Archangel/Alexis President/Our future

Linda says...

Dear Archangel.

You said, "Jacques Edouard Alexis might have an accident." Does that mean that you are one of those people willing to go through another 20 years of violence to again end up exactly where we are now today--nowhere!! We all know that for every action there's a reaction.

How many of your friends and family are you willing to lose in the next twenty years to end up in this nowhere place that your violent "accident" would take us. How about trying to act like a civilized human being who is really interested in the growth of the nation.

I'm sure that you are intelligent enough to not have to result to violence--but maybe I'm wrong...

Anyway about Alexi and anyone else who is looking towards the presidency...

We Haitians now have a chance to get it right, so let's think carefully about who we elect and why we elect them. Let us not vote on emotions or because we know the guy who's running.

I have plenty of friends whom I like greatly but who I've told directly that no matter how much I like them I would not vote to put them in office.

We Haitians need to learn to vote on accomplishments not on promises.

One of you brought up the name of Jacques-Édouard Alexis.

I don't know the man (at least I don't think that I know him. I tend to forget the people I just meet in social surroundings.

I guess I'm not into social climbing.) Anyway, I don't think I know him, nor do I know anything about him except what has been published so far. So I am only using him as an example of how we might want to approach the voting process.

I am going to go on the assumption that the average Haitian knows about the same things about him as I do.

So lets we Haitians know enough about him to decide if he has the credentials to be president.

Furthermore, and most important, do we have data that would support that he has the personality and human characteristics that will make him a GREAT LEADER.

1. We know that he has a university degree.

As I said before, in my opinion a high university degree is the very basic that a person needs to be a president, but it is far from being all or even a quarter of what is important for being presidential.

Duvalier and Aristide both had university degrees and look the mess they made of our country.

So a university degree is a plus (+), but only a small one.

2. He is now Prime Minister.

That's a big plus(+); especially since we know that he was elected by a unanimous vote. The fact that he is already PM means that he has some experience, and it gives us a good opportunity to see what he did while in office.

And this leads to the questions that we should be asking ourselves: Do we know of SPECIFIC things that he did while PM that made Haiti better?

I mean did he launch any SPECIFIC programs or projects that were successful.

Did he support and provide assistance to anyone or any group leading a progressive project or program that has been beneficial to the country?

Having something/s like that on his record would validate him as a person who can get things done. That would add to his experience quota and would be a favorable in our decision to support him (+).

Let's assume that some of you argue that he was not able to accomplish anything because he had too much opposition.

Well that would be a negative (-) against him because it would show that he does not have what it takes to rally the support that he needs to get things done. What if someone argued that he did not have the power to make things happen.

Well, individual citizens find ways to help the country, if as a PM cannot find ways to make changes, than that's a sign of complete in-competency (-) [I am not referring to this PM as I don't have a clue if he has or has not done anything to make a difference].

I am just saying, "show me the money!" Or, Show me your accomplishments so that I can use that to establish a base of what I can expect you to do in the future.

All Haitian presidential candidates should show what they have already done for the country.

And I don't mean that they should show that they were already a member of the government, as that is just a job that enabled them to get paid well. They should clearly show what they accomplished while on the job.

3. We know that he was Minister for National Education, Young People and Sport.

When he left that post, was National Education better than it was before he came into office.

That would certainly be a plus sign for him (+)?

Did he do anything for young people in sports that really made a difference?

If he did that would be something to keep in mind (a definite +).

If he did not, what does that say about his abilities to get things done (that would certainly be a bad sign -)?

4. We know that his second government consisted of a coalition of six parties...that actually says something very positive about him (+).

It says that he is inclusive and willing to try and bring people together.

However, we need to look at his record after he brought these people together.

Was he able to get them to put aside their differences and work together for the benefit of the nation (that would be another +)?

However, it is one thing to form a coalition to keep everybody happy, it is definitely another to make that coalition work together constructively.

If he was not able to get the coalition to work for the benefit of the nation that would indeed be an indication that he cannot run a nation as divided as Haiti is

I used this individual as an example to show that only by looking at a person's record can you seriously decide their true value.

The question we should ask is: What concrete (solid, proven, undeniable) things has a person done that merits him going into office as President.

Only after we have those facts lined up and we've chosen the ones with the best credentials can we than relax and look at our personal preferences amongst the best ones already chosen.

I think we as Haitians are smart enough to do this. Let's do it and do it right.

Only children or people with childish minds constantly choose to use violence.

Actually, my mother never even allowed us to play violent games, because she use to say "jeux de mains jeux de chiens." Meaning, that only dogs constantly fight.

Let's hope that if Haitians ever again have to use violence it will be against foreign invaders not against their own people.

The topic is: Jacques Edouard Alexis Wants To Be President
This is a reply to Msg 6098
Posted by Linda on February 11 2008 at 12:37 PM

Messages in this topic

I think is a good idea because he will have the opportunity to continue with the same program,if they have one. By having a new president with a new program, this can interfer with what is in place now. > >
Robert P Toussaint, 9-Feb-08 11:37 pm
We are not about to let all those incompetent people play "musical chair" again with the presidential seat. We better see some real progress soon otherwise we are kicking all those bums out before the end of their terms. We need educated men and wome > >
Archangel, 11-Feb-08 2:08 am
Dear Archangel. You said, "Jacques Edouard Alexis might have an accident." Does that mean that you are one of those people willing to go through another 20 years of violence to again end up exactly where we are now today--nowhere!! We all know that > >
Linda, 11-Feb-08 12:37 pm
The way Haiti is right now, I don't think the prime minister is the right person for Haiti in 2011. The Preval/Alelexis' government is not deliver. We need a president who will deliver. The only thing this government think about is making money. They > >
Michel Louis, 11-Feb-08 1:09 pm
Qui aime jouer ces vilains tours dans ce blog? Tous ces personnages veulent continuer a sā€™ enrichir aux depends des-culs du peuple ou quoi? En consequence, ont a besoin des gens honnetes, bienveillants et des visionnaires pour diriger Haiti 2011. > >
Nadia, 11-Feb-08 2:43 pm
Bravo Linda, bien dit, je vois que toi aussi, tu as assez de ces conards qui ne font rien et se constituent comme des pensionnaires de l'etat. RPT > >
Robert P Toussaint, 11-Feb-08 6:59 pm
J'ai prealablement repondu a ce post pesant qu'il etait de Linda,je m'exccuse mais Nadia tu as raison. Nous en avons assez de ces pensionnaires ces ministres et premier ministre que le President Mr.Preval ne peut meme pas revoquer. N'etant pas le che > >
Robert P Toussaint, 11-Feb-08 7:36 pm
Hi michel louis. I share your concerns but also we share the same love for the same country. What we don't share, at least not yet, is a common front, a consensus plan for Haiti so that as children of a nation our betterment does not depend solely on > >
Rubens F. Titus, 11-Feb-08 10:45 pm
. We Haitians now have a chance to get it right, so let's think carefully about who we elect and why we elect them. Let us not vote on emotions or because we know the guy who's running. I have plenty of friends whom I like greatly but who I've > >
Linda, 12-Feb-08 12:26 am