Alexis President? May The Best Person Win in 2011.

Archangel says...

We are not about to let all those incompetent people play "musical chair" again with the presidential seat. We better see some real progress soon otherwise we are kicking all those bums out before the end of their terms.

We need educated men and women and visionaries with new ideas, not a bunch of fake diplomas lifers, who can't even speak French properly, and who are making the rest of us ashame every time they open their mouths.

Some of those people do not seem to know when it's time for them to go and to take their failed policies with them. Failure is no longer acceptable.

We will drop them off that throne if we do not see any significant progress soon. We need new blood at the white house.

I am sure they cannot wear a bullet proof vest right between their eyes. There is a silver bullet waiting for any lifer with dictatorial tendencies.

If you cannot deliver move out of the way. You cannot pass the throne to a person of your choice, this is a democracy.

May the best person win in 2011. Jacques Edouard Alexis might have an accident.

If Haitians voters are manipulated again to vote for another incompetent stooge he will have a very short life at the white house.

The topic is: Jacques Edouard Alexis Wants To Be President
This is a reply to Msg 6094
Posted by Archangel on February 11 2008 at 2:08 AM

Messages in this topic

I think is a good idea because he will have the opportunity to continue with the same program,if they have one. By having a new president with a new program, this can interfer with what is in place now. > >
Robert P Toussaint, 9-Feb-08 11:37 pm
We are not about to let all those incompetent people play "musical chair" again with the presidential seat. We better see some real progress soon otherwise we are kicking all those bums out before the end of their terms. We need educated men and wome > >
Archangel, 11-Feb-08 2:08 am
Dear Archangel. You said, "Jacques Edouard Alexis might have an accident." Does that mean that you are one of those people willing to go through another 20 years of violence to again end up exactly where we are now today--nowhere!! We all know that > >
Linda, 11-Feb-08 12:37 pm
The way Haiti is right now, I don't think the prime minister is the right person for Haiti in 2011. The Preval/Alelexis' government is not deliver. We need a president who will deliver. The only thing this government think about is making money. They > >
Michel Louis, 11-Feb-08 1:09 pm
Qui aime jouer ces vilains tours dans ce blog? Tous ces personnages veulent continuer a sā€™ enrichir aux depends des-culs du peuple ou quoi? En consequence, ont a besoin des gens honnetes, bienveillants et des visionnaires pour diriger Haiti 2011. > >
Nadia, 11-Feb-08 2:43 pm
Bravo Linda, bien dit, je vois que toi aussi, tu as assez de ces conards qui ne font rien et se constituent comme des pensionnaires de l'etat. RPT > >
Robert P Toussaint, 11-Feb-08 6:59 pm
J'ai prealablement repondu a ce post pesant qu'il etait de Linda,je m'exccuse mais Nadia tu as raison. Nous en avons assez de ces pensionnaires ces ministres et premier ministre que le President Mr.Preval ne peut meme pas revoquer. N'etant pas le che > >
Robert P Toussaint, 11-Feb-08 7:36 pm
Hi michel louis. I share your concerns but also we share the same love for the same country. What we don't share, at least not yet, is a common front, a consensus plan for Haiti so that as children of a nation our betterment does not depend solely on > >
Rubens F. Titus, 11-Feb-08 10:45 pm
. We Haitians now have a chance to get it right, so let's think carefully about who we elect and why we elect them. Let us not vote on emotions or because we know the guy who's running. I have plenty of friends whom I like greatly but who I've > >
Linda, 12-Feb-08 12:26 am