Rubens; I think you just hit it on the nose. Why don't you

Rubens; I think you just hit it on the nose. Why don't you organize a Think Tank. With all your energy, knowledge of Haiti, and love for the Haitian people, I can definitely see you creating something like that.You could get funds from various organizations to support your efforts.

You would have to be careful that your funds don't just come from US backers, otherwise Haiti would again have someone who is not able to work in her best interest because he is paid for by US $.

However, if you were supported by diverse international institutions that would not be an issue.

You could than do some research to find the best minds of the Haitian community living in the US, as that is where you are and that is were your Think Tank would be based.

Be careful not to fall into the old trap that so many Haitians fall into; do not fill your Think Tanks with your family and friends who think they know something.

You might want to have a formal application posted on the web that people all over the US could fill-out. From a selection of the best applications selected solely on qualification, you could than narrow the choice through various interviews.

As an educator, you've probably sat on admission or scholarship selection committees (I don't know if you have because I don't know if you are tenured or tenure track).

If you have sat on them, than you know that one of the ways that special scholarship students are selected is that, after the top ten most qualified applications are selected, the students selected go through a series of interviews which continues the elimination process.

Perhaps this would be a format to use to create your Think Tank, but you probably will come up with some creative process of your own.

By the way, sometimes I come straight to the point and this seems harsh, but I am OK with that because the truth is what it is. However, being unnecessarily harsh is very unlike me, and in my post to you on the presidency I think I was (unnecessarily harsh that is).

All that I can say is that sometimes I am so afraid for Haiti, that I panic.

I could have said the same things in a much more diplomatic way. I think that someday you will probably be ready to be president, but that for now you still have some self-control issues to deal with. We all have self issues that we deal with, but some affect the presidency more than others, and most of us are not reaching for the presidency of a nation so our issues remain our own problem.

The topic is: haitians overseas need to serve their country
This is a reply to Msg 6031
Posted by Linda on February 6 2008 at 1:14 PM