I knew you'll jump in my case bro, and I did it on purpose and...
Robert P Toussaint says...
I knew you'll jump in my case bro, and I did it on purpose and you did react the way I was expected.
Sorry, I'll not interfere any more in your business with Linda.
The topic is: Soufnantiou and land grab
This is a reply to Msg 6019
Posted by Robert P Toussaint on February 5 2008 at 10:25 PM
Messages in this topic
Thanks much for the info Soufnantiou. It's hard finding anyone in Haiti who is not crooked. Ethics and honesty seem to be words of the past in most milieus. > >
Linda, 4-Feb-08 12:36 am
Bonjour Linda, The name soufnantiou might be to hard for you to hear or pronounce, but i want you to know that i'm very honest and a family man in New Jersey, you know what i'm taking about, it's hard to find someone like us these days. I just spo > >
Soufnantiou, 4-Feb-08 1:20 pm
Game Over, 4-Feb-08 5:04 pm
Hi Soufantiou. It's not hard to pronounce, I just always wondered what it means. I know what "souf" and "nan" mean in Creole; it's the "tiou" part that I don't get. Unless of course I'm totally wrong and it's not Creole at all...than silly me. > >
Linda, 4-Feb-08 5:10 pm
Hi Linda, soufnantiou means a lot, for instance: mazinflin, pedevi, egare, grimas or word for word is souf nan trou. But believe me i'm a good looking man. > >
Soufnantiou, 4-Feb-08 5:21 pm
Well now, let what a healthy ego you have my friend...good for you! Anyway, thanks for the clarification. > >
Linda, 4-Feb-08 6:56 pm
Hey Linda don't take it personal it's just a blog. I was just trying to keep it going. Later > >
Soufnantiou, 4-Feb-08 8:53 pm
Hey Linda, your freind soufnantiou is not telling you the real word. He's trying to respect blog or be nice, but (tiou) mean between it could be front or back that's the real meaning. And also the word is : (souflantiou) RPT > >
Robert P Toussaint, 4-Feb-08 10:00 pm
Hey RPT, who do you think you are? i don't want you to get into Linda & i business. OK. Obviously, you need to go back and learn creole again Bro. I say soufnantiou, you said souflantiou, IF YOU WERE TAKING a "DICTEE", YOU WOULD FAIL before you even > >
Soufnantiou Nacirema, 5-Feb-08 12:17 am
I knew you'll jump in my case bro, and I did it on purpose and you did react the way I was expected. Sorry, I'll not interfere any more in your business with Linda. RPT > >
Robert P Toussaint, 5-Feb-08 10:25 pm